Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

Thank you for your suggestions. A Hornet or Super Hornet wouldn’t be our top choice and we haven’t decided on a next product yet. While the Asobo Super Hornet certainly doesn’t meet everyone’s needs for a hornet series fighter, it certainly punches enough buttons to satisfy a lot of people and we think that would make any payware product difficult to market, even a legacy Hornet. Making quality add-ons is never “easy,” even if there is good reference material available and is a sizable investment of time and money.

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Any estimate for the release of this beautiful bird?

I found this on youtube:

Barring any significant new development challenges, the Top Mach Studios F-22 model will be available in late June or early July for PC and likely in late July or August for Xbox.

I can’t wait either :slight_smile:

I think a bomber would be awesome since all the fighters are spoken for the most part. BONE would be awesome!

Hello all, we know it’s been quiet recently. Just wanted to update that we are very close to completion of our pre-release beta candidate. We won’t announce an official release date just yet until we’re a little more confident about some of the clean up and finish work we’re doing right now, but just know that the Raptor will be rolling out of the hangar very soon.


Looking forward to it!

Hoping I get a chance to participate in the beta. I’m purchasing day 1 for sure.

Sick, will there be a “FF” Langley AFB tail code livery?

Oohh great !!
My VR headset is burning from hype :smiley:
Can’t wait to get my hands on it !!!

We plan to include a Langley tail coded livery with initial release.


Can’t wait!

the F22 is my all time fav plane


Can’t wait for the release!!!

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Once i install this plane on my Xbox Series X, i will be the happiest person in the world. That’s the only plane i need in this game. I can’t wait!


May I suggest something that is badly needed in this version of the game and was very popular in FSX (and earlier p3d) and even fs2004. Bombers/recon. B1 lancer, B2 spirit, f117. Their flight characteristics are conducive to the msfs flight model (basically normal planes, no vectoring, super speed or anything odd) and plenty has been declassified/published since the fs2004/fsx days. We now have pretty clear footage of the actual b2 instruments for example, something that never existed in public back then.

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B-1 would be tight.

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I would actually love a legit SU-57 or SU anything for that matter.


Been a while since I checked up on this thread. Just want to say I really appreciate not rushing this project and putting in the time you guys think it deserves to put out a quality product/aircraft the day it’s released. Whenever that day comes(again, no rush), I will be super excited to fly this bad boy!


Welcome back! We are very close to official release. We’ve entered our final beta testing phase and hope to release within the next couple of weeks. We’ll announce official release date when we firm it up.


If we’re making suggestions, with the last 2 free ms releases (darkstar & pelican) both having zoomable camera functions could we possibly :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers: have a U2/ TR1?
I realise the landings would be awkward with the linear undercarriage and of course the chase car would be a bit different but flying 90k + feet while taking photos of POI is most appealing.

Thrilled to hear you’re getting close to release.

Have you finalized the pricing yet?

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