Top Mach Studios: Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor

I believe it was within hours they released a version that you could remove the HMD which was causing the issue. I was one of those that had issues with the B variant as well. By the end of the day if I recall correctly they had another release where the issue was fixed. Name one other developer that is on it that fast.

Nah, it was certainly not within hours after release. More like weeks. It’s quite time, but I remember it quite well. Also devs blaming everything else than their coding. F-35 was bad example of flawless release.

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I literally have the files with the times and dates I downloaded them. Within hours. We cannot have an honest discussion if we are not honest. Weeks? They done tons of improvements on it in the first week and made yet another release. They update their products more than any other dev I see.

Day of release, people will get frustrated and agitated. It’s understandable. There’s excitement and we want to both enjoy product and support the supplier of said product. When we can’t, it can get stressfull.

In time, the F-22 will get bugs fixed, I am sure. Just as I am sure, eventually JF will realize there’s $35 waiting for them if they can resolve my issue, which I’m sure they will.

If you want to, you can go to the F-35 thread and see firsthand how the release went, and how long people had problems. It’s all documented.

It definitely wasn’t fixed in hours. It was denied for a good while as they didn’t have any crashes on their systems and I did a test for Dino to check for CTD’s after they rewrote the HMD stuff (as I had them regularly he contacted me to test the RC). It was out to market pretty quick after that was confirmed working but it was at least a week or 2 from release IIRC. NOT COMPLAINING BTW

This F22 is a very good payware for sure.

I didn’t managed to display the ILS guidance After enter the frequencie. How Can I do it ?

Check the manual, its on the console under the top hud.

Time to take the dust off my HOTAS X52 that i got when MSFS launched and never used.

anyone have any tips for sensivity for this plane? using my airbus joystick had a few problems

I will try the autopilot approach button, maybe it activate the ILS guidance.

Are you talking about problem during takeoff ?

Check page 23/24 on the manual, might help you on the ILS

Your reply was to me?

Yes I was talking about the end of page 23

And a second yes, the Reply IS for you. I Also have a Airbus sidestick and it’s very difficult to maintien the F22 centerline on takeoff, no problem during fly.
All assistance is off, of course

All ok! Yes take off and during the flight. I crashed a few times just merely moving the joytick

Thrust vectoring make it very sensitive, i’ll send you my settings in a few minutes. Maybe it’ll help

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That would be awesome!

Hi, JoylessTunic738. I see on your screenshot, that you have 9 windows open at the same time with the Just Flight one. Just thinking about possible interference. When I pay for a plane / scenery at Just Flight, I allways have 1 window open. Also, at this moment it might be very busy with people ordering and paying. So, did you try it later on? I remember an other vendor’s website being down for 2 days!
At this time the F-22A is only available at Just Flight. After SU10 it will also available via MSFS Marketplace (see info website dev) HOW TO BUY – TOP MACH STUDIOS
Hope, you’ll have succes soon with paying and obtaining the F-22A.

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Please stay on-topic of the F-22 Raptor from Top Mach Studios. Thank you.

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Quick question regarding the conversation about sensitivity during takeoffs. How are you using the joystick during takeoffs? Are you using it for rudder and nosewheel steering inputs? Do you have a separate or independent rudder control as well?

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Thanks for the reply.

I always had problems configuring my joysticks with airplanes. Its probably me.

I was using the AIRBUS joystick but since i got the HOTAS X52 that i almost never use i decided to use it since its much more appropriate for this kind of plane. Yesterday using the airbus sensivity was way too high ( was using my config for the cessnas :confused: ) Im just looking for a good config to set the HOTAS X52 for this plane, any help would be appreciated. Its hard to find some good insights on this since everyone have their own configs but i think must be a good general config that works and then i can just adjust over the time.

thanks as always

sorry i forgot to answer you.

Yes i am and No i dont have a separate rudder control.

ive been wanting to get a good one, but never pulled the trigger.

be eyeing this one, but its quite expensive. Not sure if this worth it over the cheaper ones;

I have it for some time. Worth every penny.

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