I wouldn’t mind the addition of tornadoes to look at in regions that are prone to have them.
Outside of a special mission, it would be so incredibly rare to see a tornado in a Live Weather situation that they’re simply not worth implementing. Tornadoes are rare and fleeting even in the heart of Tornado Alley. General and commercial aviation has effectively zero exposure to them.
Believe me though, as an irl aerial storm chaser, I’d love to see tornadoes, supercells, hail, microbursts and all kinds of severe weather in this game. But there’s so much other more basic weather Asobo needs to implement first like cirrus clouds, finer control of visiblity and humidity, icing and Live Weather that actually work. We don’t even have convective updrafts and downdrafts as far as I can tell, and those are base components of tornadoes themselves.
Instead of asking for specific weather effects, I think it might be more useful to petition Asobo to open up the volumetric weather system to third party developers. They’ve already said no, but I think we should keep the pressure on them. A third party add-on with storm chasing missions is the only way we’re going to see tornadoes in this game. But such third party access would be infinitely valuable for all kinds of add-ons, missions, training modules, etc…
This is FLIGHT simulator, not WEATHER simulator.
If you want tornados, grab the PhysX mod for Unreal Tournament or play Fuel by Codemasters.
This is my response and opinion on the topic and is therefore is itself ontopic.
Do not abuse the flag/report system just because someone does not share your opinion.
No single user has to support every wishlist request.
While a tornado would be cool, it is my opinion it does not have a place in MSFS… again, my opinion.
Right, because simulating weather is not a fundamental part of flight simulators.
Seriously though, aviation + tornadoes is so niche it’s probably not practical for a general purpose flight simulator. But I could see it being a thing for a helicopter mission, as that’s one of the very few times where flying and tornadoes actually mix:
Yes! That’s what I want
So, why do we have live weather with realistic effects then? Although I agree that extreme weather phenomenons shouldn’t be a priority, proper weather effects is an integral part of the flight simulator.
I would personally like a weather engine so realistic that tornadoes might form in the sim, given the right conditions. However, I don’t seek out the tornadoes, themselves.
Again, this is not WEATHER simulator.
I didnt say weather is not a part of flight.
Funny how you guys can’t stay on topic when responding…
Realistic weather in a flight sim - yes
Live weather in a flight sim - yes
Proper weather effects in a flight sim - yes
Tornados in a flight sim - ridiculous
Tornados aren’t accurately predicted or forecasted to begin with so what makes you think Microsoft Flight Simulator will be able to accurately simulate them.
The game is not “Weather Simulator”, that’s true, but totally trivial. But to imply from that it’s not a weather simulator or that the limits of that weather simulator have certain bounds, is false.
So tornadoes aren’t part of realistic, live, and proper weather?
I still think tornadoes are beyond the scope of the base game, or at least really low priority, but you’re being way too dismissive of something that could plausibly become a feature of this game.
The weather feature discovery video even said there’s native support for supercell thunderstorms, the parent storms of tornadoes. It’s one more step to draw a tornado under that storm, the conditional flag for which could be a live tornado warning or tornado index above a certain threshold from a numerical weather model, information readily available on the internet.
Asobo doesn’t have time for that, but a third party dev easily could, which is why I’m still lobbying for third party access.
Torados in MSFS, or any flight simulator, is totally trivial.
It isn’t WEATHER simulator - true
(you said it is true then argue it is false)
MSFS or flight sim weather has bounds/limits - true
Again… weather itself, clouds, rain, snow, wind, storm systems, etc are not the topic here so stop twisting my comments and stay on the topic of tornados.
Not trying to twist your words, just wondering why you’re dismissing this out of hand. If you think it’s just too far fetched of a situation to bother with implementing, then I sort of agree with you. But if you think no one should ever put tornadoes in a “flight simulator” for realism reasons then I absolutely disagree. They’re a real part of weather and aviation.
Tornadoes are clouds and wind.
Lets just agree to disagree, Its a cool idea.
Since it is that important for flight simulation, I recommend you request tornados in all the other flight sims.
Better yet, request tornados in all the racing sim forums too since weather conditions play a major part in racing.
No one said it’s that important. But I don’t think it’s a ridiculous request either, or something we should dismiss without giving it any thought. As someone who is both a pilot and a storm chaser, I’m pretty biased. On the other end of the spectrum, those with no real world experience with tornadoes or flying near supercells probably just don’t see the value.
Keeping this more on topic:
There may already be tornadoes in the game. From the aerodynamics Feature Discovery video:
Supercells have powerful rotating updrafts. If there’s native support for that in the game already, then there may already be tornadoes. That rotating updraft just needs to extend to the surface and be intense enough, and it’s a tornado. I haven’t actually seen evidence that there are supercells in the game, however. But if there are, it may just be a matter of tweaking existing parameters even, and tornadoes will just naturally happen in the simulator. They just need to be careful that it’s not ridiculously overdone like the lightning was and the icing still is.
You guys make a good argument.
Please add earthquakes to this request.
They are aslo unpredictable, short-lived, and rarely experience during flight but your valid points will support that argument.
Can someone whom has any experience with earthquakes or earthquakes during flights support that request so it has more value in a flight simulator.
Really guys,
if you want to flag user opinions or comments because they don’t include the word “tornado”, support the wishlist request, or strictly stay on the topic of tornados in MSFS then you might as well flag most comments including the one above.
Not everyone will be onboard with this request and everyone is entitled to their opinions and should be able to support their argument.
On that note, best of luck on your request.
I have shared my opinion and disapproval but don’t let it discourage your from trying.
Asobo developed a game called “Fuel” back in 2008 and the weather in that game was absolutely terrifying. I hope they implment tornadoes in MSFS as well. I read that MSFS is based on FUEL game engine. So it won’t be impossible. Check this out
Folks thought the excessive lightning was bad, wait until there are tornadoes everywhere.
But seriously, as much as I want to see tornadoes in this game being an irl pilot storm chaser, I don’t see how this has a place in Flight Simulator except in a specialized mission or landing challenge. Tornadoes are too rare for a Live Weather feature addition, and they’re not opening the weather engine up for third party developer support, so somebody else won’t be making them anytime soon, which is what I was hoping for. Asobo has more important things to do in the meantime, like getting the basics of the weather engine to actually work first.
Hurricanes are already in the game. They’re huge weather systems that Meteoblue’s model already represents in Live Weather.
I agree on that. Just imagine how cool it would be if you had a slider where you can set how much % of the storms have Tornadoes
Asobo has created an amazing weather engine and adding tornadoes as a weather preset would be very nice. I agree that there are other issues that needs to be fixed. Maybe someone will create a mod in the future. But imagine flying near a tornado in VR