Trailer vs Release Comparison - some thoughts

Info: All scenery and light/weather related settings were set to max. To see actual details, make sure to maximize the images and zoom in.

Image 1, Houston Stadium: Overall quite happy with this one. One thing that struck me was the traffic on the highway. Vehicle density was set to max, yet the highway was almost empty. The scene in the trailer felt much more alive with all those trucks and cars. The few vehicles that are actually there disappear or glitch out after a short time, which is a bit disappointing.

Image 2, San Francisco Bay: Again, pretty much exactly how it was shown in the trailer. Only bummers are the flat vehicles in the right corners, which are actually much nicer in the trailer. Also the messy ship on the far right has a much nicer model in the trailer. Why change that? If you zoom in and look for it, you can find some other small things that are nicer in the trailer, but all in all still pretty good.

Image 3, Palm Jumeirah: Scenerie looks good I guess. However you can already see that they did some major changes to the night lighting during development. In the trailer, the actual ligth bulbs are rendered in further distances, whereas in the release version, the bulbs are only rendered pretty close to the viewer. Also the scenerie itself is lit up much more in the release version, which brings out the low ground resolution of it. In the trailer you can see that the scenerie is much darker underneath the bulbs, which looks better in my opinion. You pretty much only see the light pops, but less of the ground. But night lighting is a bigger subject for another day probably. It needs alot of work in my opinion and needs to be reversed in the direction we saw in the trailers and earlier material. All in all, still happy with the detail of the scenery here.

What are your thoughts on it?

Edit: right click on the image and open in new tab to see it in full resolution.


I’m used to Ubisoft level of deception from most gaming companies these days so I can happily say i’m impressed and very happy with the results.


Me too! However, bad examples like Ubisoft releases shouldn’t be used as a benchmark I guess :sunglasses:

When the Bing data changes, the MSFS data changes automatically. This could make a difference.

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