I have carefully regenerated a Low-Altitude Airways IFR Flight Plan between Flagstaff and Sedona, Arizona. All I had to do was put in Flagstaff (KFLG) for departure and Sedona (KSEZ) for arrival and the IFR Flight Planner in the World Map generated all the intermediate way points for CRUISE, DESCENT, APPROACH, and FINAL. I get the same results as before so there was no previous user error in creating the IFR plan and no user-generated additional waypoints were added.
On clicking FLY on the World Map after saving the plan, then when the plan loaded, Ready to Fly, I opened the TRAVEL TO, the NAVLOG, and the VFR MAP applets and arranged them on the screen as follows:
Not bad for a start but although the TRAVEL TO applet shows by the bar greyed out that I am at the flight departure point, as does the VFR MAP, the elevation profile of TRAVEL TO already has the plane icon at the end of the flight!
Next I hit ESC, then Restart (HOME key), Ready to Fly, then when the shown applet arrangement shows up on the screen again, I double click CRUISE, hit Ready to Fly, then PAUSE ON:
The VFR MAP above shows the plane as it should just having achieved elevation after taking off from KFLG (Flagstaff) but the TRAVEL TO shows the plane midway through the flight!
Hit ESC, Restart, Ready to Fly, follow the above sequence but this time double-click on DESCENT:
Now things are now relatively more out of whack as plane HASN’T moved on VFR MAP from CRUISE position and it’s still shown midway in flight on TRAVEL TO elevation profile.
Hit ESC, Restart Ready to Fly, same sequence overall but double-click on APPROACH in TRAVEL TO:
Even worse! The plane is now at the landing point in the TRAVEL TO elevation profile but it still hasn’t moved from the CRUISE position on the VFR MAP.
Next try ESC, Restart, Ready to Fly, same sequence but double-click on FINAL:
Now on the VFR MAP the plane has moved to close to where it should be for the final approach but in the elevation profile in the TRAVEL TO applet, it’s actually moved backwards and is shown early in its cruising phase!
Lastly, the arrival taxi TRAVEL TO works, kinda:
The plane has arrived at KSEZ but the TRAVEL TO still shows the plane early in its 8,000 ft cruising phase.
I’ve submitted a Zendesk report with some of these screen captures (there is a submission file limit). I hope the TRAVEL TO applet gets fixed sooner rather than later as it’s very helpful for moving around in a flight plan and it would be great if one could apply it to a VFR flight with added waypoints (I haven’t tried TRAVEL TO with an imported Little Navmap VFR flight plan yet).
If anyone wants to try it themselves, here is the .PLN file for the Low-Altitude Airway IFR flight.