Trees are still hilariously large

Nice! Let me know how you can do that, I’d love to tweak some local areas around the regions i fly out of!

sry to not have read complete topic,

i see here no problem with trees heights, it’s maybe problem with specific tree type?

Just installed Bijan Studio 4 Season Pack 7.2 … it has partially fixed the tree size, height, density, type problem … just starting to fool around with it … :nerd_face:

Anyone find a way to reduce tree heights in photogrammetry areas yet?
The fix for non photogrammetry areas is easy, but in photogrammetry areas the trees seem to be rendered around some sort of base blocks. I’d think there would be a way to reduce the size of these blocks on a global basis.

Depending on the terrain you fly over most, for me its the American Southwest and the only workaround I have found is make Trees = Low and Grass = High. But it’s only a workaround. When I’m on the east coast I change it.

just flew over the new photogrammetried Italian cities; well, they’re covered by a lot of trees, and it’s quite difficult to see even the most important POIs. (Ancona, Parma etc).
Hope for a fix.

I (and many others) do confirm, a quick fix is needed! Thanks


MSFS 2020 sponsored by Greenpeace.


I normally don’t use or recommend 3rd party mods, but

Yes I would still prefer Asobo fix the real issue, but we all know what that means.

Edit - If this issue bothers you, don’t forget to vote on the topic before grabbing the mod.


So I’m an italian guy and i obviously downloaded the recent world update IX regarding my country. What I saw is a beautiful scenery of LICJ, the cities of Palermo, Torino, Venezia and others are reproduced very well, and an awful bug. If you lowpass some big cities like Milan and Rome, you will see the city scenery is totally occupied by plants. In the streets, in the middle of houses, on top of houses, it seems just like a giant forest. It’s only in a few cities but it makes the experience…how can I say it…weird. Please solve this in the next updates!


Confirm, here too, Italy cities covered by trees with WU9 . Anyway installing the Mryia´s FIX as above, issues are solved ( almost everywhere ).


Rome seems to be swallowed by the jungle: so many trees and all of them much higher than a 6 floor appartment building!

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I confirm, Milan seems in the middle of Amazonas.


Not just the cities, I was landing into Venice last night and there was a huge tree at the end of the runway threshold.

I am seeing this in other places outside Italy too. Looks like this affects all photogrammetry areas.

This is affecting almost all photogrammetry areas maybe to hide the photogrammetry cardboard looking trees. In the long run it uses up more GPU resources.

This tree bug it is intolerable…the Microsoft/Asobo doesn’t test their product? How can they release something like this?? says a lot…


Wonder when we will hear something official from the “devs”. And I mean not only the Tree case.
Let me guess: In the next Dev Update tomorrow. What a luck that WU came out yesterday and not tomorrow. In this case we had to wait till next week.
It’s not a good habit to stick to fixed dates. Especially not when there are serious problems. We had the same thing in my old company. With the result that problems that were discovered at 0900 and could have been solved by 1200 were not discussed until 1500. One of the reasons why I left this company almost 2 years ago!

Even a blind man flying in the dark in the most extreme IFR conditions would have seen the major problem with the trees in cities. Were the beta testers away on holidays during this update’s development? I was really looking forward to Italy and probably like so many the first place I wanted to discover was Rome but you can barely see it for the 100-200 foot high trees which swamp virtually every building. How on earth did this get past anyone who deemed it acceptable? Out in the countryside trees and the landscape look good but cities do not. Not tried outside Italy since installing the WU to see if it affects other locations/


It is like this everywhere! Plants as tall as 8-story buildings! I landed a little while ago in Venice and in the short final there is a huge plant at the runway head!

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