Trees on approach

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Trees are usually bigger than it should be, and in many runways there are trees on final. I would suggest that the AI of flight sim could avoid to insert big trees and other objects like eletric towers. Trees on runway finals would be smaller or not be there definitely.

And all the trees on flight sim could be smaller, few bigger, but the most of them smaller, just real life.

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I flew on SBJD but it happens in many places like SBMT, SBKP and many other airports in Brazil and around the world

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Xbox series X

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All versions and all updates never had anything different

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Thank you so much for your attention, but unfortunately I’m on series X, not able to tweak nothing as I were used to do on my FS2004 =(

I wish that Microsoft could correct it, as it seems anything so basic and simple to do

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I just tried landing at WADJ in Indonesia. Should be usable by small cargo planes like the Pilatus PC-6, Kodiak or Cessna Caravan, but I triple-dare anyone to land there in anything bigger than a Savage Ultra (which will land on a rooftop), because of the da*%^d trees!

I agree, this is a bit of an issue with many auto-generated airports/airfields.

I assume that many airports (and even smaller airstrips) trim the trees around the field, especially along the extended centerline. In msfs you can find some really amusing examples of the opposite, like here at SVPR, where some apparently decided to plant some nice decorations to mark the threshold.

You could of course call it a “landing challenge” instead of a bug… :slight_smile:


since GE/CH/AT update loads of open fields and approaches in germany are covered with trees that weren’t there rightfully so before that, was reported, even to zendesk, got ignored anyway. so i guess. wellcome to FS2020

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horrible this, gets on takeoff and landing and complicated and other when not and tree and antennas in the middle of the ramp landing they will fix it

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Moderator edit:
The artificial intelligence of the flight simulator should prevent any tree or antenna from appearing on headboards, this should be simple, it is general programming, it is nothing done in hand, airport to airport. And it is a very serious problem that impairs the experience, as you said, impossible to land right on the 17R of Congonhas, have to enter high almost ripping the antenna with the wings …

A inteligência artificial do flight simulator deveria impedir qualquer árvore ou antena de surgir em cabeceiras, isso deveria ser simples, é programação geral, não é nada feito na mão, aeroporto a aeroporto. E é um problema muito sério que prejudica a experiência, como você disse, impossível pousar direito na 17R de Congonhas, tem que entrar alto quase arrancando a antena com a asa…

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Similar to original poster, I find many airports with tall trees at the end of airports. In fact some downtown airports have large buildings too close to the thresholds.

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Many airports have trees all over the place. It appears there is nothing in the program to suppress trees on airport properties.

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I would like to add to this as a problem on certain small airstrips, I encountered this issue at Stoke Medway (UK) on final for runway 24, think it was same on runway 06 as well.

Huge trees at end of runway made it very difficult to land safely, especially as the airfield is short. I checked videos and this strip irl does not have trees planted directly on the end of the runway.

Please look into this, trees in general just need to be tweaked I feel, made smaller for a start.

This problem definitely needs attention. I can think of no reason why Asobo couldn’t just exclude an area along the extended centerline for some percentage of the runway length. There are many ‘bush’ strips with trees that make them unusable regardless what you attempt to fly in.

All they need is something 15% of runway length on each end as exclusion would get it done for a huge majority of fields. On a short 900ish foot dirt strip this would ensure a little room. Especially since MSFS seems to think 100 meter tall trees are perfectly normal and grow everywhere on earth.


I tested this mod at two different airports in two wildly different regions and there was no difference at all. I wonder if something changed in Asobo’s vegetation files. I did screenshots of each and there was no difference at all.

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This is really annoying, a lot of backcountry airports in the US have this issue. Example here in Oregon 3S4.


Here is a link to a fairly current mod that may help.
This mod reduces the scale of all trees worldwide to a more realistic level. Also the vegetation in urban areas is drastically reduced.

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Thanks I’ll check that out, because I have a lot of airports like @Wascaa mentioned above.

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Many a landing in MSFS is spoiled by the unrealistic placement of trees at runway thresholds - either dense forests of 150ft trees on the approach path, or single random trees at runway thresholds. Some Small bush strips are effectively impossible to land at with aircraft that are performance capable within the LFL available.

Please tweak the scenery autogen code to eliminate such unrealistic obstacles. Although mods can remove some, this is inefficient given the 10s of thousands of effected fields and is also a solution not available to Xbox users.

Tree exclusion should also extend to the permiter of any surfaced field that is lit and has VASI/PAPI lights as these are also often obscured by trees (and whilst they are at it put the PAPIs closer to the threshold and not always a 1000ft down the field)


Totally agree with you. My scenario is working through the training and testing process on PilotEdge, with the first CAT-1 test being L52 to L88. L88 (New Cuyama, CA) has trees right at the threshold. Obviously the streaming process and Bing (source) isn’t working for these scenarios as you pointed out.

Curious if anyone actually checked out the above mentioned mod. “Reduces the scale of” doesn’t seem like it would address this root issue at all … we don’t need shorter trees at the threshold, we need accuracy in the approach/landing path and threshold meaning no trees or obstacles that do not exist in real life, or at least not trees right at the end of the runway. And yep I checked Google maps satellite view and of course there are none for a minimum distance on the approach path.

If anyone hears that there is work taking place on this issue, please advise here.

I’ve not tried the tree height mod (s). As you point out it won’t really help the root issue.

But in your case you should be able to get your specific fields FAR77 compliant with a bit of light scenery editing.

See this post

for a link to a description of how to remove trees. The hardest thing I found was getting a download link for Airport Design Editor for MSFS, which I eventually found on the forums:

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I even see this issue at airfields that have supposedly been given special attention from Asobo such as Sedona (KSEZ). How is this possible??

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For those still being plagued by trees in the wrong place, here is a tutorial aimed explaining how to create a mod in a few simple steps to get rid of them. Using the most up to date methods for project creation and aimed at folk totally new to scenery editing.

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