Tried fsx

Last night I re installed good old fsx on my other drive.
Then I installed all the orbx world and scenery.
I spent hundreds of pounds on them add ons.
Then I installed rex (for the better clouds and colours).
Even with all that…
It doesn’t look no where near as good as msfs 2020.


Once you have tried FS2020 it is very difficult to go back to FSX, my FSX is gathering dust at the moment, but it has given me many years of challenge and enjoyment.


Agreed. Afraid add up costs of all my FSX and P3d add on’s (many of which were re-buys). MSFS does all the scenery, weather, effects, shadows and camera configs as standard that would have cost a fortune in years gone by. Don’t regret the purchases but couldn’t go back to P3d now.


Well I tried a flight in XP yesterday, EGGD to EGBB in a 172 then repeated the flight in FS in the 152. Yes the scenery looked better in FS, no contest but the airport manoeuvres were more enjoyable in XP because ground resistance is modelled properly but the actual flights were pretty much as enjoyable as each other in either simulator.


I tried to go back to Xplane last night just to fly the Zibo until Asobo comes out with a update,didnt less 10 min,turn XP off and back to FS2020.
I rather deal with ctd once in a while to be honest.


This is such a positive place! I experienced the same yesterday! Less than 3min in my PMDG 737 and then I Alt f4 with such a big disrespect, almost uninstalled ( this will come later!)


Yes, I know what you mean.

I simmed in X-Plane 11 for over 3 years but I couldn’t go back to this X-Plane despite the bucket load of addons I bought :slightly_smiling_face:


Enable DX10 preview, set to minimum resolution and to minimum settings throughout apart from framerate which should be on unlimited … FLY

You will get hundreds and hundreds of fps :crazy_face:

I reinstalled Xplane a week or two ago & installed all the updates, just to see if it’s as good as they say.
I switched it off after 5 mins! MSFS has spoilt us :grinning:



I uninstalled the x-plane with its all 200gb+ content 3 months ago. Seriously after FS2020, x-plane looks like a 2D atari game. I dont think x-xplane will come to FS2020 level ever, especially with that vulkan graphics, unless they sit and rewrite the whole game.

MSFS 2020 just needs,

Replay feature (native)
Multi Monitor feature
Ability to change camera slide effect on camera changes, just like xplane type.
sim rate indicator on screen feature.

After these features it will be a dream simulator and the rest will come easy.


X-Plane is not about the Graphics. Never has been.


Actually, the opposite could be said to also be true…

If you’re talking about the core sim experience MSFS remains one of the most accessible, fully-featured, polished simulators you can buy. Attributes you could also apply to previous versions of Microsoft Flight Simulator as well.

Graphics is a strong suit in MSFS I agree but not the only one whereas you can argue X-Plane is almost exclusively Austin’s considerably astute brain dump of a flight model simulator.

Of course, the picture changes if you talk about airlines, IFR planning, add-ons, etc but Asobo’s MSFS is merely a baby compared to X-Plane and P3D who have been developed by the same studio for what seems like decades.


Well, everyone is different. The thing about FSX is, it WORKS, you can plan flight, you can input navigation data, ILS freq, heading, and plane will follow the ILS down to the ground and land, or almost down. Now, it’s got “gotchas” in it, especially using my current JS and HC-TQ, steers to the right a bit taxing. Some of the features on TQ don’t operate like they should. But, not near as many bugs as MSFS. Plus the C-17 is a dream to fly, and it may never be available in MSFS, so I keep it installed and play on it weekly. MSFS has too many things which are broken, and my system seems to run hotter with it. All, if you are flying high, 30K feet up, what scenery are you going to see really? Down low MSFS has it, up high, clouds are almost clouds regardless, each to his own.


Yep.I agree.Even with the problems that MSFS has,I just can’t go back to FSX or P3D


I can only agree with all the people here… Either Xplane or P3D are just not the same thing and never will be. The realistic looking world, water and the atmosphere just create such a unique experience that feels alive, like you fly through the real world. I love how they created that feeling when you fly… P3D is just a barren wasteland where nothing will ever feel or look like the actual world, Xplane is a great windtunnel simulator, but as far as simulating the actual world, beyond the airplane, it’s just nothing…No value whatsoever, and that doesn’t change with Ortho4Xp, it’s just not the same thing…


Err… It simulates a great deal of the atmosphere actully. Where it fails is the layering of clouds.


Well, I have all three and use them all pretty much equally. I use P3D and X-Plane 11 to fly exclusively on Vatsim with my Virtual Airlines. MSFS does not have an ATR, B737, B777 (worth a ####), B767, B1900, S340 etc…
And MSFS does not support muti-monitors.
Someday it will and when that time comes I’ll retire P3D and X-Plane. Right now I use MSFS for low and slow and the other two for everything else.
Just my two cents.


I have P3Dv5 and XP11 on my machine as well MSFS. Majority of the times I have been using MSFS and I forgot how P3D and MSFS look like. Few days ago after frequent CTDs from SU5 I fired up XP11, I just couldn’t stand for too long and shut it down. I fired P3D, immediately I shut it down and I was surprised, how we are spoiled with MSFS. I think with all these complains with SU5 because MSFS by itself has set the bar too high, that we were able to tell if there are some graphics degradation. If MSFS was released with these graphics degradation, we will be still amazed and it will be still a leap ahead.

Thank you Asobo and Microsoft for MSFS!


Rational short explanation of all 3 platforms…:clap:

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Well, yeah. But it always depends on what you want. Just graphics? sure MSFS is the only option. I prefer good airplanes, working airplanes, so I keep playing P3D4 with a good PMDG 737 over Alaska, Radar Contact activated, good sceneries, good airports, good clouds, great performance. It is what it is, but it looks awesome too when you have that fog settled over the runway and you only see patches of ground. I like it. People use to compare flight sims always, FSX-P3D, now P3D-MSFS, DCS-Falcon. Its a never-ending story. I prefer gameplay mechanics over graphics, but I understand graphics sell a lot.