Triple Monitors Support (different resolutions)

Im using three monitors of different resolutions as under

1 X 49 inch (2k)
2 X 29 inch (1080P)

Previously in Xplane, i used to get the desired resolution which was 7680 X 1080. However, i did not find multimonitor or a custom resolution support in MSFS 2020

Moreover, Nvidia Surround is also not supporting my desired resolution and only giving the option of 5760 X 1080 which results in an ugly-looking stretch

Kindly advise on how to achieve my desired resolution on three monitors ( 7680 X 1080)


I think proper multi monitor support is a future feature.

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Nvidia surround or other multi monitor support is not working/implemented right now. I was hoping it would at release but it is not. I just built a multi display cockpit in anticipation of this sim but found it is not supported so just using a single screen for now.

As for nvidia surround resolution options you should check out CRU utility
 lets you go in and change stuff so nvidia will see and make available resolutions which are not showing up for you.

monitortests com/forum/Thread-Custom-Resolution-Utility-CRU

Add the . in the .com


I am currently using 3x27 1440p monitors with Nvidia surround with no major issues. Alignment is slightly off compared to my driving sims but I have 7680x1440 resolution all in the graphics settings menu.


Yeah it will show up and work with surround enabled but its really distorted/stretched and looks bad. At least in my and others experience when trying it.

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You have a better chance of getting good results as your monitors are identical in size and resolution . I have an ultra wide monitor in between my two 27 inch HD monitors


I hope you are right about future support. I have three identical monitors mounted at a 65 degree angle which were awesome with X-plane, because X-plane allows you to adjust the field of view of each monitor and the angle between monitors, plus any bezel correction. By using Nvidia’s surround mode with MSFS I get a 5760x1080 single screen from my 3 monitors but the side views are horribly distorted. They would look better if I opened them up flat with no angles between them I think but I’m in a confined space and can only make a small adjustment to the angles. Trying to look out the side at the runway on a base leg is very jarring as the runway isn’t anything like it would look in reality so it is hard to judge when to turn for the final. I had a couple links to add but for some reason this forum doesn’t allow them.

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Pretty bad form to say in an early press brief that multiple monitors would be supported, and then not have it part of the release


Do you have a solution to this distortion problem? I posted this question in forums.flightsimulator . com/t/equivalent-of-wideviewaspect-from-fsx-for-msfs-for-triple-monitor-setup/154958 (remove spaces from above)

I want to know if there is an equivalent of WideViewAspect from FSX for MSFS for a triple-monitor setup.

Hey, a fellow sufferer. I had the same XP11 experience. Now I ran into exactly this problem.

I posted this question in forums.flightsimulator . com/t/equivalent-of-wideviewaspect-from-fsx-for-msfs-for-triple-monitor-setup/154958 (remove spaces from above)

Perhaps someone knows the equivalent of WideViewAspect from FSX for MSFS.

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This was requested back when the game was in Alpha.

We didn’t hear back from the devs, but 3rd hand info is that they want to address this at a later date; however, that’s never been officially confirmed and ‘want’ and ‘later’ are probably never.


“Pretty bad form to say in an early press brief that multiple monitors would be supported, and then not have it part of the release

They DO have multiple monitor support; however it’s just tearing out things like the ATC or other panels.

Certainly not what most serious simmers would have considered multiple monitor support. I wanted - and asked - for a dedicated ‘2d view’ of the panels such that I could have it on a touchscreen monitor under my main monitor and interact with it using touch.

I got upvotes, but nothing from the devs. :frowning:


The name of this forum should be “NO TRIPLE MONITOR SUPPORT” !


As I recall, the question about multiple monitor support was answered as ‘not in initial release’, which I was hoping they were just being conservative here ---- but apparently not.


I get massive stretching on my side screens and yes XPlane handles this well. Surely this will be resolved in the future.

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This Sucks.


@freddiehsu, thanks for the emotional support :wink: Thanks also for showing the trick to posting links in this forum.

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@CaptainZSummers, “however, that’s never been officially confirmed and ‘want’ and ‘later’ are probably never.” I posted a ‘bug’ report to the ‘Zendesk’. Maybe if enough people complain, ‘never’ or ‘later’ can be ‘sooner’.


@CaptainZSummers, what exactly is the MSFS ‘multiple simulator support’ you refer to? As far as I have been able to do, the only setting on MSFS that might be considered ‘multiple monitors’ is setting it for a single wide 5670x1080 monitor and it is the Nvidia driver doing the ‘heavy lifting’ to chop the 5670x1060 image from MSFS into three HDMI streams to drive the 3 monitors. Is there support for anything beyond the ability to set the monitor dimensions?


As I said, they ability to break out the floating panels and put them on other screens e.g. ATC comms panel.

That is the level of multi-monitor support they currently have. Nothing about rendering in multiple windows for each side by side monitor, just the ability to pull out the floating panels and move them to another screen

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