What’s the best way to get there? One suggestion, if I may, is to set up more custom cockpit views accessible via the menu. It’s the only way I use to get around outside of zooming in/out and using camera pan left/right/up/down.
You know… what most aircraft have is Virtual Cockpit/Overhead low/overhead high/pedestal, etc…
Ezdok camera.
Or you need to activate cameras in Aircraft.cfg
How is the MSFS development going? If you ever need testers, I can help with things. Especially with writing an English Manual, which no doubt English speakers would want. What’s the best way to get in touch with you? Email? I don’t do VKontakte… I know it’s against Forum Rules here, but we could talk Russian via email. DM me if need be.
You purchased the model for P3D on the site and I sent you the distributions by mail from the address to which you can write. But this is a bit long and not very convenient in terms of quick response and interaction. I am constantly on VKontakte and I answer there almost instantly whenever possible.
I may have to reset my password. For some reason, VK doesn’t recognize my password. It’s ok.
Access and password are restored absolutely without problems. And do not forget to put the spirit of step-by-step authorization so that hacking accounts do not get.
All I have to say is that I remember flying on TU-134 as a passenger when I was a kid. It’s amazing how much work those pilots had to do. Nowadays you think of Boeing being more complicated than Airbus. Well, they got NOTHING on the TU-134. That’s a lot of work.
This bird is already great in Prepar3D, but this MSFS version is gonna be special when it’s done! I have spent quite a bit of time getting familiar with it - it’s a very complicated machine.
Congratulations on making the Partnership Program!
There’s a new video titled “News from the Aircraft Factory.”
I’d very much love to know what the news is, but it’s all in Russian. Anyone can help?
wdym? It will be at marketplace?
How can I help?
Oh hello
The title of the video mentions “news from the aircraft factory” (unless Google translate is mistaken) and I was wondering what the “news” is
The aircraft looks great by the way.
This is a summary of news on the progress of the work performed in the Tu-134 Project for flight simulators. News is published in the playlist and under the abbreviation ‘News from the Aviation Plant’, meaning the news of the project (my little factory )
Got it, thank you very much
Perhaps. I was accepted into the affiliate program. But not the fact that it will be. I have my own marketplace https://tupolenok.wayforpay.shop/ and I don’t really like to depend on third-party sellers.
It would certainly help to translate the shop into English.
I actually had Russian in school but I guess the percentage of Russian speakers in the world is under 1%, i.e 99% wouldn’t even know how to find the " купить" button
Actually there is an English version: tupolenok.wayforpay.shop
Well… unless Alexey is planning a set of English labels for the cockpit (a la AT Simulations’ P.149’s language insta-switch), unless you can read Russian, you’re in the world of hurt just trying to start this baby.