These are my bindings:
Top fuel selectors are open, TQ6+ condition lever all the way aft, and NG is at 12%.
Physical lever is moved up to low idle. No animation change is seen in the cockpit but you can see the change in NG, and ITT:
Condition lever moved all the way forward, and throttle as well, just to show engine performance change:
As you can see the “mixture” axis does work, it has been decoupled from the cockpit animations. Though I think the physical lever appears to be nothing more than an on/off switch as I’m not seeing much difference between the low idle, and flight idle states.
But I can use the physical controls, I just don’t touch the VC ones at all, I never have.
I do see a noticeable change in ITT when I move the physical lever from low idle to high idle, but again there is no cockpit animation.
Here is low idle:
Here is high idle:
Another test, this time with throttle at around 700 ft-lb, probably just under 50%, and low idle:
Now moving up to high idle, but the throttle has not moved:
You can see that Torque, ITT, NG, prop RPM, and fuel flow have now increased.
Behind the scenes the lever is working, and in an analogue manner, even if the VC lever now only has three states: High idle, Low idle, and cut-off.
Now you can argue about the turboprop logic with regard to these figures if you will, as I’m certainly no expert on those, but what I can see is a cosmetic issue, as my physical “condition” lever works as far as I can see, and inputs to the lever, in an analogue manner, lead to corresponding changes in the simulator.