Turning on VFR Map, when in a hold, re-initializes the hold entry (with Video)

Here is a very strange one – can anyone else reproduce it

Fying a plane with the WT GNS530,

WITH GTN750 in Menu mode (a MUST for this issue)
This only happens if the Pms50 GTN750 is present and running (in this case, for this plane in Menu mode)

AP ON. (in my case, the KAP140), but that does not seem to matter, as the WT GNS530 is now CONTROLLING the plane, acting like the AP !! (Irrelevant for this issue ? )

  1. Enter the Hold (in my case the missed approach hold for rwy 01 KDCA)

  2. Plane enters the hold with a tear drop, and the proceeds to fly round and round the hold. (as expected)

  3. OK SO FAR

  4. Then turn ON the VFR map, and the plane EXITS the hold, and re-enters the hold with a tear-drop tear drop, !!!

  5. Fly round the hold, turn off VFR Map … continue to fly hold

  6. Turn VFR Map back on and its exist again, to then re-enter with a tear drop. !!


Why should turning on the UI feature VFR MAP, disturb an established hold ?? CRAZY !!


(Thanks Mod, for the Title spelling correction !!)

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I am having a similar issue. When turning on the VFR map while flying a specific flight plan, the plane is turning back to the previous waypoint. Initially I was flying the Carenado M20R (GNS530) with my addons. Then I did the same test with the community folder empty and flying the stock C172 G1000 and the C208, same issue happened.
Below the flight plan I have an issue with, using the SID BNE1Y 13. After crossing the 1st waypoint BNE, the plane heads to DPE. If I turn on the VFR map the plane turns around and go back to BNE and then resume his route to DPE. It will start over and over if I turn on the VFR map before reaching DPE. If I let the plane flying and cross the next waypoint DPE and then turn on the VFR map issue will not happen again.
If someone could test the same and confirm same issue happens it would be nice. Not sure if I am doing something wrong and if issue is confirmed should it be reported to WT rather than creating a bug in the MSFS forum ?
If I fly the same route but departing using the other available SID BNE1Z 31, issue does not happen.
Maybe OP issue is linked to mine that is why I wanted to report it here.

Did another test: creating same flight plan using Little Navmap, SID BNE1Y 13, exporting to MSFS, same issue.