Turtle Beach VelocityOne Flight Universal Control System

It’s a well documented bug for sure.
It has existed since launch to Xbox. (3 months now?)
Input controls are really pretty central to the experience.

I have no idea what the reason for it not being addressed for so long is, but given the importance of input controls to pretty much the whole deal it’s really rather surprising it’s not been fixed after so long.

As for the Turtle Beach peripheral. I’m sort of interested to see what the production quality turns out like. Whether they have knocked it out of the park or it’s just a nice looking but poorly designed cash grab.

For my Xbox bound fellow flyers I sincerely hope it’s the former because they really need a broader spectrum of peripherals to choose from.


Although generally it’s good to see new offerings come to market I’d save your money for something better. At least until there have been several really positive reviews if that’s how it turns out. To me it looks like a cheap plastic kids toy.

By what i read on their website its not limited to Xbox, but also runs on Windows, but they write Windows 10, guess they forgot to update with W11 :slight_smile:

And i agree that their website doesn’t give any details, no documentation, installtion, configuration procedures, nothing…

Not very positive to get an idea of what is it and how it works…

Then i read also in some other post that the quality of some early models were very poor… so yes, really wait and see…

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Right-there’s no info besides the webpage. Most peripheral manufacturers will usually send out units to popular Youtubers before release. This gives the potential buyer a look at the gear in action and allows them to get an experienced opinion. The fact that this has been essentially hidden except at a con is a little worrisome.

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For those who haven’t seen.

Well that was a farce. I literally clicked the pre order button the moment it went live and was greeted with a “sold out” message. The preorder wasn’t live for 10 seconds at that point.

Seems to me they only had 1 available and it was snatched up immediately.

ETA: I did get one eventually. Glad I went back and kept clicking the preorder button. Had to refresh and click preorder about 10X to get it to order.

Sorry to hear!

I was able to get one, it will be available on E-Bay for 1,500 once it arrives (kidding of course). I just checked it out and it doesn’t look like it even applied to Canada (takes me to Canadian website and then says it doesn’t exist).

I would try again, I just checked on the US site and it let me pre-order indicating it would be available November 14th.

I am not interested in the product so I didn’t order but it appears it’s working. Perhaps a glitch as it went live?

I did get one eventually. Thanks for posting this.

I’ll only put mine on eBay for 1499 tho.

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Orders are opened in France, delivery on 14th of Nov, but i haven’t seen any review up to now, so i wait…

Official thread opened up from Turtle Beach. Please use that: