[UNDER INVESTIGATION] No streaming data working, photogrammetry and bing maps just stopped working

I also have the same problem. No photogrammetry. During the last flight I did where it was still working I was listening to the in game ATIS and all of a sudden I got a message saying that azure text to speech was unavailable and it changed to the offline robotic voice. Sound to me like a microsoft server problem. I hope the can fix it soon.


This will always be the case if you have multiplayer off. To change server, you need to enable multiplayer, then you can change the server and then you can disable mutliplayer again and the new server sticks. This was changed quite a while ago (SU4 maybe?)


Bear’s of Little Brain say Thank You and have a lovely Day !

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I’m also “offline”:

Online-functionality is turned on of course.

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I got that message last week. Since then very intermittent with the bing data

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Yeah, I cant open or load sim on my xbox, all I can see is the screenshot of the yellow plane above the rhino, the loading bar isnt appearing. I tried unplugging & restarting box but no joy! My WiFi is fine.I’m in the UK.

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Getting the same here. live weather and online services work, however scenery is not loading. looks like old school FSX/ FS9 right now. changed VPN endpoints to the US from UK and same result. server is down somewhere, but not sure if its worldwide or selected countries. hopefully be fixed soon.
noticed it was going down on Friday when i had small sections of bing imagery being loaded in.

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Same problem for me. No bing data or pg. Worked fine until today. Also i had never ever a CTD in the sim, but since today i can’t start a flight. Every time i try game crashes in the loading screen after pushing the begin fly button.

No changes where made from my side. Same hardware, same software, same drivers, same internet connection.



My brother just installed the game and we just did a multiplayer he had bing data and I had none.
Same server same airport multiplayer worked fine.

I’ve posted about this problem a few times over the last couple of weeks, where it has occurred intermittently but for a few days each time. Not many were reporting it at the time but it now seems to be affecting a lot more people and has at least been logged as a bug, although I’d categorise it more as a service issue!

The symptoms seem the same for everyone and none of the suggested fixes make any permanent difference even if sometimes they work for a short while (not in my case though).

I hate to see people re-installing their sim from scratch, even if they have fast network. Time and effort wasted.

I’m a PC simmer who still uses other flight sims which are all installed locally and don’t get forced updates so generally I 'm in control :ok_hand: The trouble with streaming services is you are entirely reliant on the service working so IMO that puts even more responsibility on the service owner to keep it working and respond quickly to issues like this (I’m new to online games so probably a bit naive in this respect).

What is irritating is that this sim was sold for a large part on the ‘go and see the world’ from the comfort of your computer / games console. Not really possible when there’s no real-world scenery though.


And I still don’t get it why it still works on one PC and not on my other PC. Both are in the same room, same network. I just don’t get it.

This is from steam. Unfortunately the proposed solution isn’t working for me either.
I never capped my bandwith.

Nope, sadly not a fix for me.

The plot thickens.

That’s incredible. Really interested to see what is causing the problem, and how that would align with your discovery. Wild!

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Thank you!

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Looks all normal…flying in Scottland! I live in Switzerland!

Same problem here, yesterday it was fine, today loaded up and noticed world map textures were all blocky and generally poor.

In game looked poor as well.

This is on Xbox series x

Looks really like a server issue and not that much that some of us can do about it.

I saw a post where someone said that was happening to them and when they turned off Bing Data and Photogrammetry, they were able to load all the way in and run the Sim.

A/B testing? Might explain why some see it and others not.