Understanding Voice and Avatar settings in MSFS

Hey there,
I am having trouble with the azure voice and went back to offline voice. Can someone help me understand how that works?

I only get a male or a female voice, regardless of which avatar I choose - there seems to be no difference in the voice. Is that normal?

What voice is used for reading the checklist? Seems it is always the same, but it should be pilot or copilot.

Do the windows language/voice packs have any impact? Installed some but with no changes. Also speed of speach settings in Windows dont affect the slow talking pilot/co-pilot.

Thanks for any help!

Didn’t know you could change the voice. I am flying in New Zealand just now and get the same dulcet ATC tones.

Here is a link to an earlier thread on the subject.
It may be some help.

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I posted help earlier as I have lost all communication with ATC in game - no text no voices ….

I have a male avatar for PF (pilot flying) and a female avatar for PM (pilot monitoring). PM handles ATC communications when the AI is enabled. The voices are correct using either on-line or off-line voices. I have not tried all the different avatars so it may be avatar specific. (Also check the Windows sounds setup for enabled add-ons. (For example, making voices sound robotic or changing pitch.)

Can you specify that? I have US-EN sound packs installed. However settings like speed of speach in the WIN setting dont affect the Sim. I dont see pitch settings. Voices sound robotic and slow in the Sim and also dont match any of the installed WIN voices I think . Also Avatars have only 2 different voices for me.

Windows 10: On the right side of the Windows taskbar there is a small speaker icon next to the date/time. Right-click on the speaker to display the sound submenu. Select the top item “Open Sound Settings” which will open the Windows Sound Settings screen. In the middle part of the screen there should be three sections: Output, Input, and Advanced sound options. Your default sound output device should be displayed in the drop-down box. Below that is a link called “Device properties”. Select this to open Device properties. On the left side, there is a section for “Spatial sound” that can be enabled/disabled. On the right side there is a link to “Addtional device properties”. Select that to open the Device Properties window with several tabs. Select the “Enhancements” tab. There should be checkboxes for four or more enhancements. I often use headphones that have a completely different set of enhancements. There may already be one or more enhancements enabled. The Advanced tab sets the sound quality. Each set of speakers have their own properties. Return to the Sound Settings. On the right side under “Related Settings” select “Sound Control Panel”. A tabbed window is opened. select the “Playback” tab. All the configured output devices are displayed. One output device is the “Default Communications Device”. Select it and then click on the “Configure” button. This opens a “Device Speaker Setup” window to select and test the audio channels. This is helpful setting up surround sound.

I don’t know if any of this will “fix” your issue because all these settings configure hardware, not software like the language selection or voices.

Good sound quality is almost as important as good graphics quality. It amazes me to hear an aircraft’s engines as it flies nearby.

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