Uninstall MSFS 2024 & Reinstall Recommendation?

I did that on Xbox and it helped. But it comes at the cost of wiping the save files, which was no great loss as I’d done very little to that point.

Reinstalled the sim and didn’t really notice a difference. Maybe it helped some things, and I just don’t notice it.

It’s worth a shot though, since I got MSFS 2024 from steam with 500MB internet, so the entire process only took maybe a half hour or so.

Not a multiple hour affair like MSFS 2020 would have been.

Ah, Xbox :grinning:
Ok, that appears to be working.

Postscript - after reinstallation MSFS 2024 is loading [after scenario setup], about 20% quicker.

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After re-installing (MS store version) my loading times are faster and ground looks better (ground auto gen, 3d ground effect or whatever is called works much better).

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Since today a lot of problems with MSFS 2024. Triple screens are not displayed properly, career missions do not work properly, sit half outside the plane, plane crashes repeatedly for no reason, get messages about flaps while I am still on the ground and have to start the mission, engines suddenly stop and more. What on earth is happening here, I can’t even perform a mission. This is really very frustrating and sad. Yesterday everything worked fine, what you can call fine at least. Could fly missions yesterday. I uninstalled and reinstalled MSFS 2024 and it worked correctly again. After quitting the game and restarting it later, the problem reappeared.

Just to confirm, a reinstall using Steam leaves the controls and settings intact? Or at least controls I suppose.

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Interestingly enough, I did the uninstall, then went to see if the “Limitless” folder was gone. Nope! It was still there and still full. So I manually deleted it, did a registry clean, then shut down and restarted the system before reinstalling.

Did it help? Well, it didn’t hurt…

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Yes, it all comes back.


So, if we install for the the first time, and the installer builds a profile of us on their cloud that can never be deleted (as far as we can tell), doesn’t that violate freedom of information?
And why do my posts in this thread not show up on the Latest list?

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I purchase fs2024 two days ago ( December 5), do I need to reinstall it anyway?

No you do not.

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On my reinstall, the limitless folder was gone. The folder is now named, “Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024”. I think if you install to other than the default location, the “limitless” does not appear? My sim is working correctly.

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This folder is the FS2024 app.
It is listed in Settings, apps, Installed apps.

Limitless is still there.

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yep, but before the re-install The msfs 2024 app folder used to also say “Microsoft.Limitless”

If you install on another drive, the FS 2024 app folder is installed on that drive.
My FS2024 is installed on my K: drive.

C: drive

K: drive
K:\FS2024\Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024


I was hoping doing so will fix the corrupt installation names for the sim (limitless) but this corruption still there in the servers somewhere.

Not sure if this has been discussed. Anyone know if you loose your hardware bindings / mapping if you re-install ??

Not unless you delete your profile on your local machine and the cloud, at least for Xbox.

you will retain your hardware bindings, logbook, career progression, settings.

Awesome! Thanks