Uninstall MSFS 2024 & Reinstall Recommendation?

FS2024 was described by Asobo as Limitless.

As in, “The Sky is Limitless” or something like that.

It is not corruption.

That doesn’t make sense, because other parts of the installation folders are using the correct name, also its Unlegal to use different names on systems for a product, for many reasons.

if you what said is true, then i guess its internal code, like call of duty does (they have insane development codes, which make you really enjoy them). however, still a corruption there in the servers causes this issue, & its still there and not fixed.

Then, what is the correct name?

I’m sure that MS/Asobo would like to know so that they can correct
their oversight.

Reported this as a bug on day 1, though when they advised to reinstall, they fixed corruption, appears not.

I guess servers needs reboot or something.

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normally, i would change to the correct name myself, and edit the registery too.
thats not the problem, the problem when i launch the sim and it contacts the servers, the corruption on the servers will override your corrections and causes as a result more corruptions. its on them to fix that.

from screenshots i have seen, this issue is not only for steam users, but on all platforms.

I just did a reinstall. What a difference!!! Everything is working correctly. The reinstall took less than 30 minutes and I am really impressed. The stuttering is gone and the sim loads very quickly. WOW!!! The graphics are GREAT and now all I have to do is reenter all the control settings…YUCK! but I am impressed…

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Question remains. When re-install how about your Career? Is it saved? Or do we start from scratch again?

I reinstalled and the career was saved.

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Did it solve your issues too? Noticed a difference?

It certainly made a difference in mine!


What about button mappings?

They are saved in the cloud.

It did solve my performance problems.

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After reinstalling did you find your keybinds all as they were before or did you have to do anything ?

I would hate to lose it all again after spending hours setting them.

Keybindings are saved in the cloud and for me personally came back after a reinstall a few days ago.

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Worked well for me too.
Just the graphic settings were lost, but those are easy to set up again.

What should I do with my community folder and camera views? Can I just save them elsewhere then just pop them back in once the reinstall is finished? I understand I’ll have to re-do my graphics settings but that’s no issue.

Save your Community folder somewhere.
On re-install an empty Community folder ids installed.

Replace it with your saved folder.

Views are on the cloud, Controls, with your mappings/bindings.
They are not affected.

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I broke down today after continuous issues with everything bugging out in the game and uninstalled and reinstalled the game. I highly recommend it. Everything is working %95 better. The only thing I lost were the photos from the World Photography Mode. All else remained.

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I need to reset the setting for all my planrd. Trying to use the save function for each plane type has ■■■■■■ up so much I can’t fix it by hand. If there is a way to do it by hand, please share it here. Thanks, Biter.