Well I’m really looking forward to Pyreegue’s EGNX and look almost daily for more updates.
Today I came across this update on his twitter https://twitter.com/pyreegue.
These screenshots look absolutely stunning. I did notice a problem with his shuttle bus however.
Looks amazing the only problem being that we tend to drive on the left in the UK.
I’ve been looking for a way to contact the developer and give them a polite heads up but I don’t have a twitter account and don’t want one and also they don’t seem to have a Discord server.
I may of course be jumping the gun here as it is WIP but to me it’s strange that you would do that work on a left hand drive vehicle first.
Does anyone know how Pyreegue are contactable?
Facebook would be your best bet but it’s hardly a big deal, certainly not worth having to redo the model from scratch.
re the airport, I cannot wait for. Absolutely top notch products.
Should be able to mirror the model and just fix the writing?
To be even more picky, Amazon don’t use curtain sided trailers either, no one paints the trailer roofs and British registered trailers don’t have the speed limits on the back or the yellow and red hatch markings.
But really, it’s a home flight simulator and in that context, the preview shots look superb.
You can contact them in the Orbx forums.
Maybe I am guilty of some “nit picking” regardless of these tiny issues Pyreegue are by far the best airport developer by far and I’ll be buying regardless.
It was just when I noticed the left hand drive bus it was immediately obvious as I’ve caught that bus so many times.
I just want it released soon please please…
Yes thanks SuperTrooper I didn’t think of Orbx. I don’t know whether to now as I don’t want to hold it up. This guy’s a perfectionist after all.
Wish they would work on a new Gatwick or Heathrow they made a great job on Glasgow/Edinburgh
Without wishing to extend the nit-pickiness, the Amazon “arrow” goes left to right (see under the Amazon word on the back of the trailer) and not right to left, although perhaps they mirror it on the side of trailers like this.
Holy cr*p, I literally posted only yesterday about my longing for someone to do EMA! Even stranger, I specifically mentioned that Pyreegue would be my no.1 choice of developer!
Great news, can’t wait!
Somewhat on topic, the only fault I’ve found with my limited experience with Pyreegue (only have BFS) is that the runways are completely flat, with no terrain modelling. So unless this is exclusive to BFS — or the place has unbelievably perfect runways — this developer doesn’t model the terrain. Are EDI/GLA the same?
I just contacted Pyreegue regarding the flat runway at BFS — no accurate elevation data for that region is the reason. He has informed me that the same is true of GLA, however EDI and the forthcoming EMA do have terraformed runways.
Great news! I think this may well be the perfect airport scenery, and I imagine it will set a new and enviable standard in scenery design!
The bus steering wheel thing was already pointed out on Pyreegue’s Facebook feed yesterday and acknowledged by him. Please don’t point out too many details that you think need fixing, because given his attention to detail it will then take even longer until it is ready for release and I have been waiting for a long time already…
Thanks for letting me know that he knows.
I couldn’t agree more about seeing this released sooner with a couple of bugs than keep waiting and waiting and waiting.
Would it be best to buy on MSFS Marketplace or direct from Pyreegue?
I’m not normally big on buying scenery, but EGNX is the one that I have really been waiting for.
HawkMoth, I can only offer my own preference.
Firstly you won’t be able to buy from Pyreegue direct as they only sell through Orbx.
I myself have purchase a number of airports through Orbx and have found their site very user friendly.
On buying from the marketplace I personally won’t buy there anymore (I have bought quite a few in the past). The reason for this is that firstly marketplace purchases are encoded and other applications like GSX for instance can’t read the files (although I do believe this is being addressed). And secondly if there is an update it seems to take Microsoft an extremely long time to update their server.
In defence of marketplace however it does keep things all in one place and upgrades are straight forward when they do finally happen.
Thanks for that and I’ll probably open a new account on the Orbx site, once it’s released.
This airport is a must-buy for me and will be my base of operations. Can’t wait
Hi there! Very happy to see that you guys are excited about East Midlands as much as I am!
First of all, the bus Somehow it never crossed my mind because I worked on the blueprint of the bus (Enviro 200) that was for the European market. It is now mirrored and corrected to be a UK spec, no worries here.
The Amazon trailer, some of them leave UK to go to European cities so they have those speed limit stickers on the back, same applies to painted roof. I’m also trying to make sure my assets are as versatile as possible to be able to use them in future projects so keep that in mind. If it’s a deal breaker I can do separate variants with UK spec only as well
Custom terrain is something I am working on considering the fact that East Midlands is a place with lots of hills and elevations. Hopefully I’ll have something to show soon.
Store. I am also working on launching my own store to have direct sales to customers without the middle man. More on that later. Custom installer and configuration tool is being developed as we speak.
If you have any questions you can always contact me through Twitter, discord, Facebook or contact[@]pyreegue.com
Thanks muchly Mr Pyreegue sir. It’s great that you’re doing EMA, as I was starting to lose hope that anybody would choose to do a proper job on it.
If I’m going to base out of the newly decorated EMA, with the amount of freight that passes through the airport, I might need to find a decent cargo carrying aircraft and fly a few of the routes.
It’s a shame my current favourite Fenix A320 doesn’t have a freight version, so I might need to go down the PMDG 737 route, unless there’s a slightly bigger “study level” freighter out there somewhere??
I suspect the PMDG 777 is not a million miles away and I’d bet there will a freighter version of that. The same for the 747 although there’s no way of knowing which will come first.
That’d be good, as I’ve just been looking through the departures list for EMA and both the 747 and 777 freight versions feature quite a lot.
Actually, an Antanov AN124 Ruslan paid a visit to EMA towards the end of last year. That really is a big plane.
It would also appear, 2014 I think it was, that the AN225 has also paid a visit.
I’m not sure how close to completion your EMA project is but if you need anything, let me know as I’m extremely familiar with the place. The most recent change that might be worth pointing out is the closure of the Helimed base, with all the portacabins having been uprooted and moved (to nearby Tollerton).
Onto aircraft to fly into EMA with, there are a few ATR operators (thinking of the new Asobo release next week), both freight and pax, operating into there: Aer Lingus Regional, Aurigny, Eastern Airways, Blue Islands, ASL and West Atlantic/Swiftair.
747s aren’t too common now, although could still be considered pretty frequent. DHL now have a based fleet of 777s, of course, but the Southern Air ones are only sporadic.