Update from PMDG re: SU5 & 737

Any update on PMDG for those in their forums?

No its pretty quiet. For PMDG this usually is a good thing, means they’re finishing up big things most of the time


No more than50-60€ for an MFS addon.Period !
My personal opinion though

That’s the same as saying “No more than 500€ for a flat screen TV”. It’s not how the market works. They will ask what we will pay, and for a very good plane some will pay 200€ because the cheaper ones are not good enough.

Yes there are flat screen TV’s for 500€, but because there is also a 3000€ flat screen TV people who have the money and want a really good TV can buy one, and in 5 years you can buy a better TV for 500€ because the improvement in technology is driven by the 3000€ TV’s of yesterday.

So free market will dictate their price. They will balance it in a way that makes them the most money.

When PMDG decide that they release their 737 it will work as it should. PMDG won’t release their best selling addon with broken basics. They rather won’t release it. So once it’s out it WILL be able to use its systems and will be worth the money. It’s PMDG after all and not someone who’s known for rushing out their stuff ^^


And I’ll bet this is driving Carenado crazy. Their business model is to deliver beautiful aircraft with basic functionality, plus a couple of tweaks, and then move on to never look back.

The prospect of always having to tweak their aircraft over and over again as MSFS 2020 grows must be driving them crazy…lol

And I like Carenado aircraft…can’t resist the eye candy! So I’m not dissing them. I own all of their aircraft. But I know them well enough that I’m certain this is a burr in their saddle…lol