Update: Savage Carbon - STOL Realism Mod (v2.10 / Dec 27, 2022)

Excellent product. Excellent marketing.
Well deserved 5.


We went to .to to do the ā€˜Likeā€™.
Clicked on the pink heart & it deleted a like!!
Mortification all around.
Where does on ā€˜Likeā€™ the GG SCC on .to??

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Probably means you already liked it, and now unliked it :grimacing:

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That might have been TG :grinning:
We will rectify matters.

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Love this planeā€¦ though it must be the plane Iā€™ve crashed most often by far till now. All those wanna-be STOL landings :slight_smile: Pity we donā€™t get a proper statistics about plane use in the sim.

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That was we, I was having a ā– ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  day and got mad over stupid stuff. Looking back, I shouldā€™ve acted a lot better. I sent back and gave you 5 stars. Sorry again.

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Could you be specific about what you are looking for when you refer to ā€˜statisticsā€™?
If it is flight guidance such as Power Settings & V-Speeds, the data is up there on the .to download page.

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Nah, I meant general statistics from the sim: how much time did I spend in each aircraft, which aircraft did I crash most oftenā€¦ that kind of thing. I just would like to have some profile-specific statistics :slight_smile:

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OMG I wish ā€œI think itā€™s an AN-2 with a Lycoming XR-7755 up front!ā€ yes please !!!
Back to realty I look forward to what ever is hatching in the barn.

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Beautiful plane! I had a 64 PA18-150 that I just sold. Maybe an FX or EX CC next although a whole different budget.

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Gravelā€™s barn was quiet at long last

The neighbours figured he must be taking a nap and decided to not miss this rare opportunity and pull a 007.

Sneaking in, they saw Gravelā€™s usual plane, but also another, slightly larger one, next to it. It was however covered in a large sheet. A missed photo opp.

They sneaked into his office next. So many screens! All displaying the same screensaver:


WOW, 150 knots, what ya got in that thing, after burner!


Ah you spotted it :hugs:

If I dont have that sexy beast by tonight ill protest :wink:


hmmmmmmm, what could it be

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ā€¦and, it looks like you are climbing to boot!


Nah, heā€™s on a divebombing mission! Pegged at 2000fpm down. Look at the water in the windshield coming up fast, lol


Heheā€¦but look closely at the ASI

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What about the ASI? it goes to 200

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Also just thought of the perfect shop music for your barn since your always making a racket. Maxwells silver hammer by the Beatles is a good choice :wink:

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