Update Today 31/01/2021?

Haha time zones are hard :smiley: I got all mixed up and thought it was 4 PM ET right now. But itā€™s only 3PM Eastern = 12 PM Pacific.

At least Zulu time is the same for everyone :slight_smile:

Then when I had it all figured outā€¦

I forgot where I WASā€¦

And off topic, but did you know that Kiribati (if you have been with the sim from the start, youā€™ll get the reference :slight_smile: ) changed the time zone of some of its islands from -10 hours to +14 hours so that they are all in the same time zone. Before that, half the islands thought it was yesterday and the other half thought it was tomorrowā€¦

Sorry, back on topicā€¦less than an hour to go!


First a six week beta starting after WU7, they didnā€™t say when exactly afair. SU8 is scheduled for the end of March as of now.

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3 pm for me

They had to. They didnā€™t know if they were coming or going! :rofl:

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Hopefully the Longreach update will include the home of Qantas as attached. The aircraft now have a new roof over them all.

Zulu time is nonsense and meaningless. Itā€™s GMT and has been since approx 1847.

Iā€™ll now get told off by my favourite American moderator for lecturing!

End of March, I thought it was going to be early March, never mind at least I can use the beta

Yeah but we need to pretend that they forced us to change it, but we all know it really is GMT

Why pretend? Tell it like it is!

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< Rolls eyes. Yes the update has been delayed because of a hacker attack. lol

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Not anymore.
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Wikipaedia? You believe that tosh?

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Some of it. :upside_down_face:
The ZULU Time site is actually the British GMT site, Greenwich2000.ltd.uk

Is there a trailer for this?

Yes. Facts. Itā€™s UTC. One of many sources online, easily searchable: What is UTC or GMT Time?

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Noā€¦1am was 11 and a half hours ago.
ā€œWorld Update 7: Australia is set to release this coming Monday, January 31st, at 1pm PTā€

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Not yet hopefully soon