Vessels: UK South East has now been released to the Microsoft Marketplace for both Xbox and PC!
Experience our largest regional scenery yet with now more than 19,000 boats, historic dockyards, destroyers, frigates, ferries, cruise ships, a ‘landable’ carrier, night lighting, wakes and more.
This requires the latest v1.4.1 Vessels Core Update which has also been just released to the store so please check your content manager.
Please set water based traffic sliders to 100% initially and tune down if needed. Ground wind above 6 knots produces better wakes.
See below for more product info.
Update v1.1.1
Our largest regional scenery to date has just received a large upgrade!
-Now includes HMS Gannet, HMS Ocelot and HMS Cavalier resting at Historic Dockyard Chatham
-Now includes populated Chatham docks and marinas
-Added a ‘landable’ HMS Queen Elizabeth docked at Portsmouth
-Added several Type23 Frigates now patrolling the coast to compliment the Type45 Destroyers
-Structural changes to help minimise conflicts with other third party sceneries
-Added POI Markers for Portsmouth Historic Dockyard and Historic Dockyard Chatham
Tip: Increase Ground/Surface wind for better wake effects
Full Release notes here:
Seafront Simulations | Vessels: UK South East Release Notes 1.1.1 (
You will need Vessels Core Library v1.4.0 to use this version of the scenery. Please ensure you download it first. You may need to reboot your sim.
NOTE: When released, the MSFS Marketplace versions of this product will have guns/cannon barrels and missiles removed for rating compliance.
-Original Release Post-
After lots of work and re-work (following the UK world update) we are thrilled to announce the release of Vessels: UK South East!
Experience the UK’s South East coast with over 18,000 vessels populating over 80 yacht clubs, ports, harbours and marinas together with coastal traffic. We have populated the coastline and inlets all the way from the Isle of Sheppey down to Keyhaven, just north of the western tip of the Isle of Wight.
Home the world-famous Solent sailing clubs and the large ports of Southampton and Portsmouth, the UK’s South East is teeming with nautical life. Ferries sail from dock to dock whilst leisure craft zip up and down the coast. You’ll also find HMS Victory resting in her historic dockyard and modern-day Navy Destroyers patrolling alongside RNLI lifeboats and Border Force cutters.
This scenery benefits from the new update v1.3.0 for the Vessels Core Library
Check it now via Vessels UK South East - Orbx (
A release on the MSFS Marketplace will come in due course.
As always, have fun and we hope you enjoy what we’ve created