[Update - Workaroud Fix Xbox] Bush trip respawns me in dense forest or in water, unable to continue

If you’re on Xbox, and you spawn in the water, there is a (stupid) workaround I discovered. I did this in the Xcub on the Alaska trip - not sure what other aircraft this would work on, and it probably wouldn’t work for the forest.

Once you are spawned, immediately go into Active Pause. This could take a few attempts as there is very little time until you “crash”. Then while paused, give it full throttle and full flaps, and let the airspeed indicator get to 50-60 knots (or whatever is appropriate for what you’re flying). Unpause, and you should float up a few feet. Likely you’ll immediately have a stall to recover from, but it’s better than the alternative.

So it’s kind of fixing one bug with another bug, but it’s better than nothing.