Removed everything that could interfere with G3000 enhancement mod!!!
mod content:
I changed density-on-torque to prevent torque rising during climb. Torque should now be more stable and decreasing in higher altitudes and slightly increase during descent. This still isn´t a 100% correct simulation of a TBM 930 I guess, but it seems and feels more realistic then the vanilla behavior. And be aware of the fact, that torque still increases about +20% in the 40 second window after the inertal seperator is switched off. This seems to be more or less realistic.
I Included Uwajimaya´s better Exterior Lighting Mod. It is not possibly to have both mods seperatly, as both alter the same file. 3. I included Kaosfere4829´s dimmable glass displays. You can dimm them through the potentiometer knob in the overhead panel.
I additionally changed brightness of standby instruments down to only 10%, so they fit better into the cockpits night lighting
I Added more drag corresponding to PositiveZero´s Post in forums.
6. Adjusted idle n1 power gap (similar to guifarjas31´s mod, just with slightly different numbers, but credits to him, for pointing out the issue) 7. Decreased Torque effect on ground roll. 8. Increased VSI sensivity
To install the mod, just unzip the content (foldername “01 JD MOD TBM 930 …”) in your …/community folder in your MS FS installation location.
Thanks and credits to Kaosfere4829, PositiveZero, guifarjas31 and Uwajimaya.
I also strongly recommend to try out guifarjas31´s mod first (instead of mine). He seems to be a real pilot. Only use my mod, if you have technical issues with his mod or you don´t want some specific changes. Basically our mods do the same, but with slightly different numbers. He also made some changes to the inertial seperator and so on.
Link: GitHub - guifarias31/msfs_tbm930_project: Improvement project for the MSFS default TBM930.
I made a Quick Reference Guide for Beginners:
Link: File on MEGA
In Version 2 of my mod, there should be no big difference to the vanilla values. you should be good to go longe range. but long range criuse torque settings are in the 35-50 % range, just if you didn´t knew.
Die Motorleistung steigt bei geschlossenem Trägheitsabscheider, dementsprechend erhöht sich auch das Drehmoment bei gleichbleibender Stellung des Schubhebels. Der Trägheitsabscheider braucht ca. 40 Sekunden um die Konfiguration zu ändern, deshalb erhöht sich die Leistung graduell.
Kannst Du etwas darüber sagen, inwieweit sich deine Änderung auf die anderen Leistungsdaten auswirkt, wie Treibstoffverbrauch, Motorleistung und Geschwindigkeit?
Explained the German translation of torque.
Engine power increases when the inertial seperator is closed, thus torque increases if the power lever is not moved. The intertial seperator takes about 40 seconds to change configuration, thus the change in power ist gradual.
Can you explain how your change effects other performance data, such as fuel consumption, engine power, airspeed?
Ich habe Torque nicht übersetzt, da es so im Instrument angezeigt wird. Die steigen Torque nach Ausschalten des Trägheitsabscheiders habe ich in der Beschreibung zum Mod eigentlich auch erwähnt. Das Verhalten ist nach wie vor unverändert, weil es ja dem Originalverhalten entspricht. Ich habe nur die Torque Änderungen mit steigender Höhe angefasst. Alle anderen Kenndaten sollten nicht allzu stark abweichen. Abweichen werden sie jedoch. Gerade die N1 wird jetzt immer etwas höher liegen, als bei der Vanilla-Maschine, weil man je den Schubhebel nicht mehr zurücknimmt, um bei 100% Torque zu bleiben. Kurzum: Longrange Cruise bei 30-40% Torque wird so gut wie kein Unterschied zu merken sein. Power Cruise bei 100% Torque bzw. Max Torque je nach Höhe leicht erhöhter Spritverbrauch. Geschwindigkeiten müssten absolut identisch sein - 100% Torque sind immer noch 100% Torque, daran habe ich nichts geändert.
Thanks for taking the time to respond and also for the mod. Everthing helps until Asobo get around to fixing the TBM.
I noticed you mention the torque rising with the inertial seperator off. I just wanted to clarify why that happens, because your were a bit vague. It was not meant to be rude or anything.
It would be awesome if you could add a few quick test results with the mod so people can see if they want to install it, i. e. take a random scenario from the POH performance tables and post the numbers you get in in the game with your mod.
for example:
Normal Cruise (POH)
PA 24000 ft TRQ 100% 65.3 USG/h 213 kts IAS 314 TAS @ 5500 lbs
Normal Cruise (your mod)
It would prevent you from getting asked the same questions over and over and also spare users the time to make their own analysis.
How does this mod compare to the one by @GuiFarias31?
See the projects’ GitHub page:
It may be a good idea to cooperate and combine the best of both if not already the case… It seems the GuiFarias’ mod is further in development, so I’d say best thing would be to use his mod and request changes to it according to your modification.
I know the Mod from GuidFarias31 and his Mod is probably even better or realistic regarding the torque behavior. He even adjusted the power that the inert sep would cut of from the torque.
I simply have another intention behind my Mod. I made it mostly for myself by combing different stuff, so that I just have one mod. I dont intended it to be super realistic. I never have or will fly a real TBM 930. So i wouldn´t even know how to do that. I just wanted a simple fast solution for that ridiciulous increasing torque behaviour, without changing too much and without changing the inert seperation. And I simply wanted to share that. One should defintely check out his mod too.
I just wanna say that I’m just a pilot and I know nothing about coding and programming, unfortunately. So there are a lot of things I’m not able to fix or improve without some extra help.
All I’ve done was trial and error, and seems like everything I fix, something else brakes. It has been really hard.
Now the main problems are the increasing fuel consumption while climbing, that should decrease instead, and the inertial separator light that is not showing up because of the reduced inertial separator effect. If anyone that understand about coding / java want’s to help, that would be great.
All changes I’ve done can be copied and further developed (and so I hope). That’s why I post the exact line of everything I change in my I really don’t care about credits, I just want a good TBM, so if anyone does a better job than me, that would be great. @JayDee6281 I can add you to the Github mod as a contributor if you want.
I highly appreciate the commitment to improving our all flight sim experience for free The collaboration seen at several occasions is a good relief to all the protest you have to read here on the forums - and yes, to a certain degree there is enough to complain
In every case it makes most sense to have one party being in the lead of compiling the individual fixes to a community package, instead of have several ones in parallel. In this case I would appreciate @GuiFarias31 taking over, by utilizing this existing GitHub project. Here’s a re-post of the link:
If you encounter conflicts in the values to choose for certain improvements, it might be helpful to discuss them on the forums and GitHub, in order to let people with real world experience comment. This might also count for SDK/programming related questions.
I personally cannot add much to coding either, however feel free to reach out by direct message if I can support with testing …or promotion
Removed everything that could interfere with G3000 enhancement mod!!!
mod content:
I changed density-on-torque to prevent torque rising during climb. Torque should now be more stable and decreasing in higher altitudes and slightly increase during descent. This still isn´t a 100% correct simulation of a TBM 930 I guess, but it seems and feels more realistic then the vanilla behavior. And be aware of the fact, that torque still increases about +20% in the 40 second window after the inertal seperator is switched off. This seems to be more or less realistic.
I Included Uwajimaya´s better Exterior Lighting Mod. It is not possibly to have both mods seperatly, as both alter the same file. 3. I included Kaosfere4829´s dimmable glass displays. You can dimm them through the potentiometer knob in the overhead panel.
I additionally changed brightness of standby instruments down to only 10%, so they fit better into the cockpits night lighting
I Added more drag corresponding to PositiveZero´s Post in forums.
6. Adjusted idle n1 power gap (similar to guifarjas31´s mod, just with slightly different numbers, but credits to him, for pointing out the issue) 7. Decreased Torque effect on ground roll. 8. Increased VSI sensivity
To install the mod, just unzip the content (foldername “01 JD MOD TBM 930 …”) in your …/community folder in your MS FS installation location.
Thanks and credits to Kaosfere4829, PositiveZero, guifarjas31 and Uwajimaya.
I also strongly recommend to try out guifarjas31´s mod first (instead of mine). He seems to be a real pilot. Only use my mod, if you have technical issues with his mod or you don´t want some specific changes. Basically our mods do the same, but with slightly different numbers. He also made some changes to the inertial seperator and so on.
Sorry I did´t realized your post. The mod was always on and downloadable. Try the new version. If it doesnt work for you, send me a PM with your paypal account name and I of course will give you back your money.
Specifically the “drag and drop” version posted by HIGHMEMFIX1. This particular one only has the xml file, not the cfg, but I’m not sure if they interfere. I’ll be happy to test both out later, if that helps.
Edit: Actually I think I’m concerned with the G3000 enhanced one might interfere, not yours. I guess I’ll find out!
They really have a good description on their gitihub. If you would speak german, you could watch my video, where I had explained, how to install it. There are some subfolders. Maybe you can see it in the video, even without understanding what i say. Link: look from 02:27