Vertigo likes to go fast, low and kick some dust. Inspired by Mike Patey’s “Turbulence”, she has the same blood running through her veins: the legendary PT6A 850HP turbine engine. Add to that a 6 bladed constant speed prop plus a composite airframe and you’ve got a competitive racer.
Note: disable Auto Rudder (Assistance menu) as it causes tail-wagging in-flight and odd steering behavior on the ground.
Vertigo runs on jet fuel, has a topspeed of 365kts, can climb at 12,000fpm and rolls at 150 degrees per second.
She can go vertical right after take-off and still accelerate. Or cruise great distances in comfort and style.
At her core you’ll find a heavily retrofitted JMB VL-3, an ultralight and fully composite experimental aircraft able to withstand g-forces of +15/-8.
Pilot, fasten your harness. And welcome to the world of Vertigo.
- Pratt & Whitney 850HP PT6A-42a turbine
- 6-bladed 6-foot constant speed composite MT propeller
- 16 professionally designed sporty liveries and interiors
- 31,000ft service ceiling
- Topspeed of 365kts
- At 50% torque at FL200 you’ll fly at 270kts IAS or 357kts TAS and have a 1,000nm range
- Climb at 12,000fpm or more
- Enlarged tanks (2 x 50 gallons)
- Upgraded VL-3 fuel selector: now also has “Both” besides Left, Right and Off
- Fantastic ground handling
- Use flap 1 as speed brakes below 180kts
- Execute the Knife-Edge move!
- Pressurized cabin
- Windshield de-icing
- Fully simulated electrical system
If you have the WT G3X mod you will also get:
- Automatic Flight Control System (Autopilot)
- Automated Pitot Heat
The optional GTN750 is also supported for the MFD (right display). For installation, please follow the instructions in the “Vertigo and GNS750.txt” in the download.
Vertigo comes with 100% carefully crafted custom lights: a powerful volumetric main landing light, 6 cool landing spots on the wings, 3 double strobe lights, navigation lights and stylish NVFR cockpit lighting. All her cameras have been redone as well be it Quickviews, Instrument views or External views. The VR camera too has been optimized for the most immersive experience possible.
In addition, several hundred hours have gone into developing and testing her flight model, which has been created from scratch. JMB factory data has been used to create the most accurate geometric model possible, verified and complemented by virtual wind tunnel results.
Enjoying this speed beast? Vertigo is free and always will be, however creating a mod like this takes a lot of love, time and effort.
To support my work check out the Gee Bee R3 Special, an original aircraft by Got Friends (Jonx, 270 Inc and Got Gravel). It’s only $15 but I promise you’re gonna love this highly capable aerobatic aircraft!
You may of course also use one of these links:
Got Gravel
Join our ever-growing family of fun-loving aviators (2000 members):
- Bush Flying
- Air Races
- Aerobatics
- Formation Flying
- Choppers
- Events
- Flight Plans
- Expeditions
- Delete older versions of the Vertigo mod, if any.
- Extract the ZIP file.
- Drag the folder named gotgravel-vertigo directly into the Community folder.
- Restart the sim.
- You’ll find Vertigo in your hangar next to the default VL-3.
If done correctly, your folder structure should look like this:
How to find the Community folder?
If you changed the default location of packages, it’s the simplest because you should find a Community sub folder in it.
For Steam, it should be located in C:\Users\ [Computer Name]\ AppData\ Local\ Packages\ Microsoft.FlightDashboard_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ LocalCache\ Packages\ Community
For Windows Store C:\Users\ [Computer Name]\ AppData\ Local\ Packages\ Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\ LocalCache\ Packages\ Community
Vertigo comes with a full set of custom interactive MSFS checklists, but here are the essentials to get you in the air and back again.
Engine Start
- Master Switch > ON
- Avionics Switch > ON
- Strobe Lights > ON
- Engine Key > Start
- Wait for engine NG 20%
- Throttle > Idle
- Parking brake > ON
- Trim > Neutral
- Fuel Valve > Left (L), Right (R) or Both (B)
- Turbine Ignition > ON then OFF
- Wait for engine NG 50%
- Landing Lights > ON as appropriate
- Flaps > 1
- Throttle > About 25% torque
- Rotate at 70kts
- Retract gear before 140kts
- Retract flaps before 180kts
- Punch it and go vertical
- Fuel Valve > Alternate Left (L) / Right (R) every 15 minutes unless Both (B) is selected
- Flaps 2 or 3
- Aim for about 65kts at touch down
Engine Shutdown
- Fuel Valve > Close (0)
- Avionics Switch > OFF
- Master Switch > OFF
The Reno Air Races mod!
Reno Stead Airport (KRTS) - Reno Air Races for Microsoft Flight Simulator | MSFS
The WT G3X mod
GitHub - Working-Title-MSFS-Mods/fspackages: Working Title FS Packages
Note: required for access to the Autopilot and automated Pitot Heat
I have multiple threads on various flight sim forums and websites (including this one) and it is not possible for me to respond to queries on all of them.
Support is therefor exclusively provided from the Got Gravel Discord Server (Got Gravel) through the “FAQ” and “Support” channels inside the “Information” category.
The FAQ especially is a treasure cove of information covering about 95% of all questions I have seen to date.
v2.0.0 released Dec31, 2022
- Brand new flight model based on latest research and MSFS abilities
- Prop performance at take-off normalized (reduced), was made a bit crazy in a recent SU…top speed not affected (no worries, you still can do 350kts+)
- Much improved ground handling (a fair bit easier to handle, just keep that throttle in check)
- Improved gear suspension
- Fixed and much improved lighting (brighter (recent SU’s dimmed it a lot), but also added nice UV lights on the floor)
- Visual engine and groundroll vibration added for both flightsticks
v1.6.0 released Nov 3, 2021
- Takes full advantage of new SU6 flight model capabilities
- New SU6 propeller physics for a much more realistic performance profile
- Overhauled and re-tuned flight model for the highest level of realism so far
- Natural and instinctive control on the ground and in the air
- Less torque at idle to aid in taxi
v1.0.6 released Sep 3, 2021
Flight Model:
- “Real Aircraft Feel”
- No more tail wag at extreme speeds, yeah!
- Improved lateral stability (again easier to battle crosswinds … also more natural and correct … it just feels right).
- Increased MTOW to 2300lb, allowing for full tanks, 2 pax and some baggage
- Much improved elevator control
- Further refined ground steering / takeoff-roll characteristics
- AP vertical speed increased to 2000fpm
- Adjusted turbine startup timing for all phases to match a real PT6A
- Throttle less sensitive in the lower RPM range, easier to control those take-offs and landings
- Various other tweaks to the turbine using Pratt & Whitney data
- Further improved fuel consumption accuracy
- Increased max beta from 60 to 65 degrees, improving performance at altitude
- Adjust cabin light brightness using the knob of the unused prop-control
- Tweaked cabin dash spot lights to not cover any part of the MFD or PFD
- Added graduation markers at the 25% points for the torque gauge
- Added ITT gauge
- Added RA (radar altitude)
- Added remaining range in nm and fuel burn in gph numbers
- Voice Alert for stalls below 200kts
- Added annunciations for if you forget to retract gear or flaps above certain speeds. Graceful upgrade from Caution to Warning alerts, depending on how fast you go (and damage your gear / flaps).
- Added annunciations for ITT (1 minute over 800 degrees and instant when over 1000 degrees)
v1.0.5 released Aug 7, 2021
- Compatible with SU5!
- Redesigned flight model: more realistic, authentic and fun than ever
- Redesigned Pratt & Whitney PT6a-42 Turbine Engine using factory data
- Redesigned propeller
- Accurate fuel consumption from idle to max torque
- Smooth throttle from idle to max torque
- Superb ground handling
- Accurate suspension (shocks for nose wheel and spring gear for mains)
- Accurate weight (increased), CG and moments for this aircraft
- Realistic stall behavior for this aircraft (gentle nose dip)
- Excellent low-speed control and behavior; master those crosswinds!
- Increased cockpit lighting levels
- Tuned landing and taxi lights
- Support for the GTN750 on the MFD (read the “Vertigo and GNS750.txt” file included in the download)
- A lot more!
v1.0.4 released June 7, 2021
The recent Software Update 4 (SU4) brought with it a vastly improved flight model. Stuff that was missing has been added, and things that were not balanced well now seem to be pretty accurate.
This update takes full advantage of all this goodness!
- Super stable ground handling, take-off roll easy as pie (30% throttle is enough, trim well before starting your roll)
- Execute the famous Knife Edge aerobatic move, and hold it for the entire runway length!
- Most accurate flight model yet for Vertigo
- Fixed trim balance issue
- Slightly reduced flap drag
- Excellent balance of aerodynamic forces
v1.0.3 released May 11, 2021
- “Generation 2” Flight Model (smooth ground control, zero tail-wagging, epic roll-rates and more)
- Fixed the US Coast Guard (USCG) livery conflict with Grravel
- Fixed “Level of Detail” drawing distances for the external model
- Improved throttle lever usability range giving you finer throttle control
Note on the “Generation 2” Flight Model. I have been working hard on another aircraft, the aerobatic Gee Bee R3. Developing this has certainly pushed the limits of what the MSFS Flight Model can do and has taught me more than Carbon, Grravel and Vertigo combined. Hence I have redeveloped Vertigo’s Flight Model entirely from scratch putting in all the lessons learned so far. Enjoy the new flight experience!
v1.0.2 released May 5, 2021
- 2 New liveries: 54 Cyclone and US Coast Guard!
- Tweaked steering wheel sensitivity a bit
- Adjusted rudder sensitivity at taxi speeds by a fair bit, less twitchy
- Less sensitive elevator at all speeds
- Slightly increased roll rate at top speeds
- Removed external 3D model LOD 5 as it missed wings
- Other “tiny” flight model refinements
v1.0.1 released April 28, 2021
- GForce gauge added to the Garmin’s systems panel
- Oil temperature and pressure gauges added
- Travel in style with the first 3 “touring” liveries: Luxor, Dorado and Matador
- 1 New totally awesome racing livery: 53 Blade
- Landing light beam tweaked to be even more authentic (brightness, beam, volumetric intensity, color)
- Taxi lights added (left + right throw), gated to Landing Light switch
- All external white lights changed to Aviation-White.
- Low fuel light (left / right) warning changed from 2 gal to 10 gal
- Flap 2 changed from 37 to 38 degrees (matches tooltip)
- More Yaw momentum to counter weathervaning, crosswind and tail wagging
- Updated seats for all liveries
A very special thanks to the countless test-pilots who have been involved with the Vertigo closed and open beta programme. She would not have been the same without you!