I’d love to have a person I could put into the pilots seat, and co-pilots seat to be able to view in 1st and 3rd person (wide-angle) views.
There’s a mod on flightsim.to where you can put a copilot in your cockpit with you in 1st person view. It will use whatever model you have chosen as your copilot that you see from 3rd person.
Nothing for the actual pilot though.
The only mod I see like that is only for the upgrade planes. I’d like to have that for the DA62 and TBM.
This does it! Extra people too. Note the menu options still need work with pics etc.
There are 2 actually. One that adds co pilot and one that can do just co pilot or both if you choose. The problem with the 2nd is that the pilots head gets in the way and clips when you fly in first person. See links below:
Add Co-pilot to your cockpit (Standard Edition) • Flight Simulator 2020
Visible copilot at Microsoft Flight Simulator Nexus - Mods and community
That’s what I get for searching for “copilot” instead of “co-pilot”…
For that they could possibly remove the head from whichever pilot the user has selected to be ‘them’. Hopefully they’ll come up with a solution in time.
Maybe one day we’ll get animated people models, interacting with whatever you do. Amazing in VR if it’s done right.
Actually that first one @FlyingHigh1267 linked is the one that I have installed sorry!
The one I linked has some extra character models though, so I’ll give it a go shortly!
I downloaded the extra character mod yesterday. It does add some nice variety to your co-pilot. And I made a video using FS Playground using both pilot and copilot with me “riding” along in the back seat. Link below:
MSFS Princess Juliana (TNCM) Landing - YouTube
There was some discussion on removing the head but the thought was it would look kind of strange from an external view! Perfect for Halloween maybe!
i just want to import my face like you can in madden games and watch AI apply faces in terrifying ways for memes
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That is why unfortunalIy have to call a moderator to close this topic for duplication.
I think what the poster is asking is why you can not view them from inside the AC. You can see everyone on board from outside but inside all seats are empty.
Unless, of course, I am doing something wrong. That actually happened once… I thought I was wrong, but it turned out I was wrong.
Why don’t you leave the moderation to the moderators?
Gee i thought Flippo was being helpful. I wasn’t aware there was a vote thread and now i do
If you want to do it yourself in the meantime:
[TIP] Add a copilot to your aircraft (and passengers too!) - #20 by CptLucky8
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