Vancouver Island, Canada

I’m looking for people to fly multiplayer with. I am located on the west coast of Canada


Cant wait to fly but probably going via Xbox X this summer, have been watching xplane/mfs2020 videos for about 3 years now…I hope the X version someday will at least have head tracking…VR would be so awesome but, on a budget and retirement is close…unlike $$$

Still looking for people from VI to fly with?

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I’m in Vancouver, does that count? lol

sidenote: i use volanta to track all my msfs flgihts

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Hi, whats your gamertag, I have a new one, BCsimPilot. I fly from CYXX, Abbotsford usually evenings

CYXX here, abbotsford, bc

My gamer tag is same as forums, Zeanuck. Haven’t been flying much in the lower mainland due to the weather…. Or maybe I should…. :). Add me and the next time I see you on, I’ll fly-in.

Yes I am still wanting people to fly with. Sorry for the delay in responding, but my wife passed away in August and this is my first time back on this forum. My ‘home’ airport is Nanaimo CYCD.


Sorry to hear that. :frowning: My home airport is YYJ, but I fly out of Nanaimo more because of the mod. I wish someone would do YYJ. :frowning:

I’ll fly with you, im powell river so not ar from you. I usually fly general av planes also like the H135 heli
give me a shout

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Hello Gabriola420.I’m in Juneau, Alaska. Close to you. Do you have a server? I don’t.mai add you? I’m on XBox.

PAJN is my Airport.

Hello, I sure would like to fly with someone new to MSFS 2020 really enjoying flying helicopters so far. I grew up in near Cranbrook… does that count :smile: am currently in Edmonton.

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Are you aware of the commercial Victoria airport for msfs from Simaddons?

Yes, but SimAddons are very cartoony…. I believe that the same team that made YVR YLW and YOW are currently working on YYJ and YYC…. :slight_smile:

If all my chores are done and wife is off to her Acorn tv channel I can fly with you at YYJ. I’ll look that up, no idea where, im at CYXX Abbotsford. BC.

Hi Zeanuck, have you gone to Xplane11 lol? Sorry to hear about your no. 1…its very distressing. If youre still around I fly out of Boundary Bay a lot, but home base is Abbotsford, CYXX. Would love flying around. Maybe I could show you Steve Millers estate after he sold it. We could look for it. I like props but have the BeeDee too lol. Im BCsimPilot on here.

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I too am usually flying around BC lowermainland, and island. Feel free to message me. Kaida Tinari, in the sim. I have some some flying with BCSimpilot too. :slight_smile:


Well hello fancy meeting you here lol

Yup. Lol. And totally forgot I posted here. :sweat_smile: