VATSIM on 2024

I know the sim itself has a bunch of issues, but for those able to play has anyone joined VATSIM from 2024? I’m not sure if you will be in the same “world” as 2020 players, or if it even works at all yet? I didn’t see anything from a quick look on the VATSIM website about it working with 2024 yet.

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I don’t think that’d be possible without a vPilot update, and I’ve not seen one of those in quite some time, let alone since FS24 was released.

See the following blog post from VATSIM:

In regards to your other question:

VATSIM is sim agnostic - there’s already plenty of online pilots using VATSIM alongside sims other than MSFS, so once supported MSFS 2024 will apply in the same way with all VATSIM pilots flying together regardless of their sim choice.

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Honestly, with that amount of bugs and the game unflyable, why put it on online environment?


This is from Vatsim forums;

Don said;

“It would take me hours to type out the details, but in summary, suffice it to say, our developers, particularly Ross with vPilot, and many other folks on the VATSIM side, have been devoting dozens of hours (so far, with no clear end in sight) into trying to make things work with MSFS2024. Needless to say, as many have surmised from other developers’ discoveries, there were many aspects that were assumed, based on Microsoft’s assertions, to be “seamless”, yet we are finding that is very, very far from the truth. A ton of effort has been expended all day again today, and we continue to find more/new issues. And Microsoft, in addition to not coordinating with us in advance as we had tried to do, has thus far been silent with respect to planned closure of any of the issues. Needless to say, we continue to work to find a somewhat respectable middle ground that will support the network without imposing too much burden on the user community, and are not waiting for Microsoft to fix the issues at hand. Our current hope is to release a pilot client version that will accommodate MSFS2024 and compensate as best as possible for its warts and issues, and obviously improve the user experience as Microsoft fixes issues.”


This was more of a curiosity for me, I don’t see myself in 2024 until there’s a ton of bugs fixed (not even counting the wait times).

Is this legit? According to Vatsim blog 3.10 shall be released at 21:00 Z

it’s out now.


I was able to do a quick flight from YYC to YEG on the network in a longitude without any major issues. Though the ingame ATC is not able to be turned off like it is in 2020. The only way to stop the overlap was to turn off character voices but the ingame ATC was still active.

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Thanks for the update. That sounds like a major wishlist item!