Very abrupt weather (wind) transition. Erratic wind behavior (Still present after AAU 1)

Definitely back. :roll_eyes:

Yep! I had it the a few days ago also! Abrupt wind changes …

Extreme and abrupt pressure and wind changes at least 4 - 5 times on my current flight.

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Yeah, it’s definitely been more significant these days! Not sure what happened but seems like SU14 may be responsible for this?

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Not sure, but today’s the same. Brutal shifts! Plane is being whacked all over the place. Between this and the failing ATC, FS2020 isn’t enjoyable to use anymore.


Also happening to me again, hopefully msfs24 fixes the issues and bugs still present

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I don’t know what happened with the weather injection, but at 12z during departure I suddenly gained about 5000ft and lost 30+ knots. One of the most annoying bug ever



Just had a horrible wind shift from 23 knots to 75 knots upper wind at around 17:23z

Wish this bug could be fixed it’s been an issue for so long now


Same again today 25th Feb, around the same time winds initially completely incorrect then around 17:20z a huge shift of winds to what they should be.

This bug is one of the most reproducible one I know of; I don’t understand why it’s just left unfixed when it causes such disruption to the flight.

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26.02.2024 - 11:24z

Location: Central Spain

Upper wind shift and change of altitude and pressure

Date: 27.02.2024
Time: 11:35z
Location: Northern France around LFOB

Updated winds at 11:35z along with change of pressure resulting in over speed of aircraft and losing 400ft in altitude

[MODERATOR EDIT: Do not ping team members] Jummivana in reply to your message above, did the team manage to investigate this any further and should we keep providing reports?

I am still able to reproduce this consistently. Thanks :slight_smile:


I’m getting clouds that just pop in out of nowhere.
Flying from KONT to KSAN. Was clear sky’s when I left, then about 30 minutes later the weather just decided to chage…

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