First off, look for TNT Quest 2 Smooth thread on Hardware and Performance - great info
TnT Quest 2 Settings - Sharp and SMOOOOTH! - Virtual Reality (VR) / Hardware & Performance - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
I have Aerofly FS2 (amazing performance) and MSFS2020 (twice as slow but twice as beautiful) and Quest2 - with a 9700K@5Ghz and just an RTX2070. I switch between ASW@18Hz (one-fifth of 90Hz) for flying the freeware helicopter H135 smoothly in yaw rotation, up to ASW@30Hz (one-third of 90) for non-aerobatic aircraft or just noASW@36Hz or so (for aerobatic or fast-flyers). Also, image clarity is very important for both the instrument panel without leaning in (much) and the outside scene. Get MSFS2020 to run well - smooth and clear - with lower settings and then increase a few things that you want to improve (like clouds) but always use the Oculus HUD performace overlay to see how much headroom you have (never less than -175% for 18 or 30Hz and then less than -100 for 45Hz ) Here are my settings:
Oculus Air(Link) - Try cable Link first (Airlink requires high performance separate router as Access Point)
PC Oculus app, set 90Hz first but try other rates down to 72Hz - all with highest resolution settings. I use a fixed 80mbps for the encode/decode settings
Oculus Tray tool (87.6)
Super Sampling at 1.1 or just 1.0
ASW mode as above (18,30,45 or maybe just off) - Verify with Performance HUD
GPU scaling off
FOV at 0.75;0.75
Visual HUD - Performance (this is where you check FPS and headroom)
OVR server priority - Above Normal
Quest Link Low, 2912, 0->300, Sharpening Enabled
ODT (start after OTT) check Dynamic Bitrate and Encode Bitrate = 0
MSFS2020 - Mostly Medium settings (except terrain pre-cache at Ultra) but start with Render Scaling showing about 1700x1700 and increase it later. Set ASW using OTT and check with the overlay HUD.
I use the Mt. Everest Discover flight at first to make sure I am getting really good performance and then a landing over a medium dense city to check smoothness and clarity (example Landing challenge, Epic, Tegucigalpa)
The newest help is the work by mbucchia on his NIS scaler (see above ) which gives you quite a bit more performance by having MSFS use a lower resolution (maybe 1700x1700 or so) and then NIS upscales it to 2500x2500 with extra sharpness as well.
Sorry that this is complicated but once you get set and tested, it’s much easier. You just won’t get the Aerofly FS2 performance but the beauty of the imagery is worth it.