I have spent hours trying to tweak every conceivable setting following suggestions and several YouTube videos. But I am not very happy with performance or quality of VR. I have a powerful system i9-11900K, 32GB Ram, RTX3090, Gen4 SSD. FS2020 graphics are down to medium or low, and I am still getting poor frame rates and loads of stuttering, the VR looks ‘washed out’, poor clarity and vibrancy. Monitor mode FS2020 in 4K with ultra settings is superb and very smooth, a massive difference. I have compared the FS2020 VR with Aerofly FS2 VR. Aerofly in high settings the cockpit/interior are very clear sharp and vibrant, and so is the scenery over dense cities, and the framerate is ultra smooth, no stuttering whatsoever. I know the scenery is not as complex as FS2020, but it is a pleasure to fly in VR with FS2, not so with FS2020 VR!
I by no means wish I didn’t have ronsay this but I almost got that headset from the rift s… but you should have gone with the reverb G2.
How can it be the Quest 2? The quality and performance is very good in every game and sim, but it is poor in FS2020. It is not the Quest 2 at fault, but the FS2020 VR software. Yes, a more powerful headset, like the Reverb G2 or Varjo Aero would be better. The Quest 2 in my opinion is very good, but it seems the MS/Asobo VR software is not very compatible with the Quest 2. Such a pity.
Exactly this, the G2 is the better option for MSFS sadly…My problems were fixed when I switched to the G2 from the Quest 2… I have a 3080RTX and it’s smooth and sharp all the time on high and ultra everything. The quest 2 was making me go nuts !!
Yep, it’s not the Quest 2 because it works fine for me on a much lower spec system (I7 & 2080ti). It actually works better than my old Rift S. Unfortunately, there are so many variables where VR performance is involved, it is very difficult to use YouTube videos as a spec for adjusting your own system. They do make for good starting points, however.
Was VR OK for you, prior to the last update? I have not been in VR much since then since they broke the menu system and Ctrl-0 does not work for me. I have been in VR a little though, and didn’t see any significant downgrades in performance. I don’t know how much good it does me, but I always reboot my computer, prior to using VR, and I restart the Oculus service, right before connecting the headset, as well. I also make it a rule to only use the cable method linking the Quest to the Oculus environment. Another thing that I do is look in my Windows taskbar tray area and kill any little program running in there that is not related to the sim. I usually find little stub programs from MS OneNote, Navigraph update program for X-Plane, a hardware updater tool, etc. running in there. I only use my PC for flightsimming and the occasional large spreadsheet, so I don’t have a lot of unrelated stuff going on. Still, with all that prep, I still have some days that are better than others. Sometimes I’ll be leaving VR and quitting the Oculus environment and notice that they started downloading an update right about the time I was starting my VR flight. There’s no telling how much other software may be doing something similar during a flight.
Install nevest drivers and delete shader cache. Then force 18hz ASW on and fly again. If there’s still performance degradation your system has some serious problems.
Make sure to have HAGS turned off!
First off, look for TNT Quest 2 Smooth thread on Hardware and Performance - great info
TnT Quest 2 Settings - Sharp and SMOOOOTH! - Virtual Reality (VR) / Hardware & Performance - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
I have Aerofly FS2 (amazing performance) and MSFS2020 (twice as slow but twice as beautiful) and Quest2 - with a 9700K@5Ghz and just an RTX2070. I switch between ASW@18Hz (one-fifth of 90Hz) for flying the freeware helicopter H135 smoothly in yaw rotation, up to ASW@30Hz (one-third of 90) for non-aerobatic aircraft or just noASW@36Hz or so (for aerobatic or fast-flyers). Also, image clarity is very important for both the instrument panel without leaning in (much) and the outside scene. Get MSFS2020 to run well - smooth and clear - with lower settings and then increase a few things that you want to improve (like clouds) but always use the Oculus HUD performace overlay to see how much headroom you have (never less than -175% for 18 or 30Hz and then less than -100 for 45Hz ) Here are my settings:
Oculus Air(Link) - Try cable Link first (Airlink requires high performance separate router as Access Point)
PC Oculus app, set 90Hz first but try other rates down to 72Hz - all with highest resolution settings. I use a fixed 80mbps for the encode/decode settings
Oculus Tray tool (87.6)
Super Sampling at 1.1 or just 1.0
ASW mode as above (18,30,45 or maybe just off) - Verify with Performance HUD
GPU scaling off
FOV at 0.75;0.75
Visual HUD - Performance (this is where you check FPS and headroom)
OVR server priority - Above Normal
Quest Link Low, 2912, 0->300, Sharpening Enabled
ODT (start after OTT) check Dynamic Bitrate and Encode Bitrate = 0
MSFS2020 - Mostly Medium settings (except terrain pre-cache at Ultra) but start with Render Scaling showing about 1700x1700 and increase it later. Set ASW using OTT and check with the overlay HUD.
I use the Mt. Everest Discover flight at first to make sure I am getting really good performance and then a landing over a medium dense city to check smoothness and clarity (example Landing challenge, Epic, Tegucigalpa)
The newest help is the work by mbucchia on his NIS scaler (see above ) which gives you quite a bit more performance by having MSFS use a lower resolution (maybe 1700x1700 or so) and then NIS upscales it to 2500x2500 with extra sharpness as well.
Sorry that this is complicated but once you get set and tested, it’s much easier. You just won’t get the Aerofly FS2 performance but the beauty of the imagery is worth it.
When i used the quest 2 with the link cable. Is used around 35% of my GPU resources to just run the link. Try air link or virtual desktop instead. And remember to disable hardware accelerated gpu scheduling.
I always run with ASW off and FOV at 0.6;0.6 and I have found this works great on my Quest 2. Also avoid the glass cockpit aircraft as they tend to be more demanding in VR. Stick to GA aircraft with steam gauges like the Cessna’s or Cub and you’ll see performance is more than adequate.
Thanks. My system is very fast with EVERYTHING else, Sims , Games, Apps, and Aerofly FS2 is superb in VR. FS2020 in monitor mode 4K and all ultra, very smooth. Nothing wrong with system. It is just FS2020 VR, that’s below par. I will keep trying various settings, it may just come. Happy New Year.
Thanks very much for in depth reply. Your right, in monitor mode 4K with most settings at Ultra, still very smooth, FS2020 is absolutely stunning, no comparison to Aerofly FS2. I will check up on all your settings, maybe I have missed something important. Happy New Year.
Thanks. I will continue to persist, and check again on settings you suggest. Happy new Year.
Thanks. I can only use Airlink, as my PC has never recognised the Oculus USB link. Happy New Year
Thanks. Not sure what HAGS is but will find out and check. Happy New Year
Thanks. As far as I can remember FS2020 VR used to be better. So I am sure it is something to do with an update. I do understand that there could be some app running in the background which is using CPU power and slowing FS2020 in VR. One pest is my Bitdefender Virus App, sometimes a BD pop-up comes up in middle of flight! I have tried disabling BD Virus App, and found frame rates have improved, not by much, but it is measurable? Why would you need a virus checker running while only playing in FS2020? I will have taken a note of all your information. Happy New Year
Thanks for ALL the comments. I have been a bit overwhelmed by all of them, but I have read carefully all the replies, and made notes to check up on all the settings I can think of. I am sure I can find something to improve FS2020 VR. Happy New Year to you all.
I have a similar system with quest 2 and run most settings on high. FPS is generally 25+ which feels surprisingly ok to me in the headset.
I also think there is an issue with aliasing with msfs, when when running at max resolution, that I do not see on any other game. I’ve seen G2 users say similar but perhaps it is worse on quest. I personally will wait for new generation of headsets before buying another as G2 has some downsides of its own.
The best thing I have found for image quality is to use virtual desktop as you can adjust the gamma and sharpening to your liking, I’m currently using VD ultra mode and also experimenting with the new NIS tool to scale down slightly (0.9) for a few extra FPS.
Many of us believe there has been a problem with aliasing since sim update 5, if you have the same please consider voting / commenting on the bug thread to help it get attention
Not sure why you can’t use the Link cable - as much as I like Airlink, it is just not quite as clear (on my system). Here is the cheap cable that I use successfully (don’t forget to turn off Airlink in Experimental settings first and maybe restart the PC based Oculus app - try different USB ports and maybe you need a separate powered port as I do). Also try Virtual Desktop (instead of Airlink) mentioned above - it has some improved features as well - but please try the cable again.