VFR Map doesn't show proposed route during Bush Trip

Unfortunately this didn’t work for me


Same problem on the France bush trip, first the POI points went missing, now the white line is missing too. I also noticed that the pictures of the runway wont show after the first leg. Some airstrips are really hard to find without a photo of the place.

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I noticed that the white line disappears when you exit the game or crash the plane. If you’re able to fly several hours in a row then you’re good. It looks like ASOBO and MS make us fly non-stop.


Also I noticed that ASOBO destroyed bush trip progress synchronization across devices in the MS account. Other types of activities can be synchronized quite well but bush trips. :frowning:

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This does work for me. Thanks

Hi! I´m having a weird problem, might be a bug or might be information I dont have since Im not a pilot, I am doing the other bush one with the same plane, Cerro something, I got to the third leg without problems flying AP on Nav mode and it was following the line that as well doesnt appear but the plane follows as if it is there in Nav mode, I landed and went for the next leg, as I took off and again engaged AP on Nav mode the waypoint was kind of reversed, the plane was going opposite direction from the next airport so I started flying AP with Heading mode and correcting it all the time, is there any way to get back on the Waypoint without clicking on the GET ME BACK ON TRACK? I never missed the waypoint but for some reason it is trying to fly me 30+nm from where I am which is the correct position, Is there any way to insert the waypoint in the AP computer again to restart it from where I am? What I am doing now is I deleted the route from the plane computer and inserted the airport of the current leg as destination, Im flying between Nav mode and Heading lock to try to follow the white line but tbh is a little annoying, Im trying to avoid climbing to 10k feet and just fly on a straight line to the airports but if I have to fly manually all the time I wont have other choice hehe, I hope someone has an answer. thanks!

I fixed my problem bij loading a previous (completed) leg of the bush trip, waited for the white line and POI’s to load on the VFR. The i headed back to the main menu and loaded up the leg which i had to complete. And thwre is was, aftee a few seconds of loading, a beautiful white line + al the POI’s.


Odd, I’ve been looking around for another issue and saw this thread - I’m on my second leg of the Alaskan BT and my white line is present (a relief given that this is my first proper attempt at a bush trip)


(SU5 and both hotfixes - PC/Steam)

I’m no pilot but I thought the point of VFR is not to use the GPS. Rather you set your cruise speed and heading then fly for the allotted time on that heading and use landmarks to identify your position. I’ve done two so far, the Aleutian Islands and Finland. This is exactly how I’ve done them. To me the bug is that the route is there at all. These aren’t supposed to be easy, it’s supposed to be a challenge. Stop whining that it’s too hard without it, with just a little patience, a knowledge of your aircraft’s cruising speed and paying attention to your surroundings you should easily get to your destination.


For me it usually takes longer to reach next POI than estimated time (by about 10-15%).
And in Finland bush trip, there are lots of lakes and forest on flat ground with few very small villages/town - it is quite difficult to identify your position there only visually.

I agree with the timing issue. To start off though at the beginning of each leg you should be flying a circuit and start the timer while flying over the top of your starting point at cruise speed. This does help. The Finland trip is using the xcub, which has a cruise speed of 117 kts. If you’re flying at 115 kts then for each hour of flight you’re going to be two nautical miles behind where you should be. Half hour 1nm 15min 1/2nm. You can work out pretty quickly that you need to fly a bit further on each heading. You’re still going to be pretty close. If you get that cruise speed right and start timing at speed while on the right heading over your start point and you don’t find your destination I’d be very surprised.

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TBH I was rather suprised to find myself in a plane possessing a glass cockpit

Whether it’s hard or not is a personal preference and it has nothing to do with technical issues. Don’t celebrate a bug just because it skews the game in a way you like. It’s a bug that should be fixed. If you want a harder challenge you can always turn off the VFR map.


Same fore on series x.vfr line will gone in random legs and disappear. The only way to fix is replay last leg again.
Its bad and i hope they fix it soon.

Confirmed here too.
Started a bush trip in Iceland before SU5 with everything going fine (except the many CTDs).
Now, with SU5, I don’t have CTDs anymore but I also lost the flight path.

I guess we can’t have everything at once :wink:

Same issue here on Series X

Having the same problem on Xbox Series X, on Greece, Nevada, and Patagonia bush trips (haven’t tried the others yet). Any time I leave a bush trip and return to the main menu, whether it is because I want to do another activity or after a crash (plane or software), there are issues with either the navlog being blank, the GPS waypoints being completely wrong, the route line missing from the VFR map, or all three. The only work around I have found is to restart from the previous leg.

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It works! Thank you for workaround!
It’s weird, but it works! :slight_smile:

Hello. Also having this issue after starting the second leg of the Patagonia flight :frowning:

Same thing for me and apparently lots of others. Searching found ppl on Steam and Reddit asking the same question.
Maybe report it as a bug .