View replay XBOX

I would like to have the replay option on the xbox. I want to see how I did the landing. I watch from the cockpit during the simulation, so I want to see the landing from the outside later.

Wish reopened because current Beta Replay Tool ( is described as not coming at Xbox at this time

PC Users are able to review portions of their flight including take off and landings as they have access to do this within the sim.

It would be good if Xbox users had the same privilege and were able to access a replay of the flight even if it was just the take off and landing phases of our flight with the ability to use different camera modes to view the landing/take off.


Xbox doesnt have the memory capacity to run a replay tool for fs2020. Maybe the next generation in 2028 may have more RAM but series S/X ceratinly doesnā€™t.

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Will this lack of a flight recorder be addresses in MS2024?

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I have had a full flight recorder in ms flight simulstors for quite a while and didnā€™t have a lot more memory in my PC. The realocation of what is being processed on the users system with MS2024 seems like it could be a real possibility. It is in Microsofts to have this on the Xbox because there would be more great screen shots and videos produced by the users and more use rmade videos posted on the web for advertisement. Also more capability to create AI to fly with would be a winner for sure, along with the ability to pick up and fly at any point in the replay is truly missed.

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I donā€™t think many of the Xbox present users have had the experience of a full replay capability and that is why so few votes have been cast for this feature. They are like we the experienced users of the flight simulator were before a true flight recorder was add to the older simulators. More Xboxes would be sold to long time MS Flight users who donā€™t want or have to extra money to buy a new PC inorder to run MS 2024 with simulaton capabilities as NS 2004.

Anyone remember Driver 1 on PlayStation 1? Yes, PlayStation 1! You could create youā€™re own movie based on a replay of your in game antics. There was a limit to 10 or so minutes or something, but even so!

Iā€™m quite sure the reason it isnā€™t on Xbox has nothing to do with any limitation.


That was a cool game, ah PS1 good times.

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There are major memory limitations on Xbox as-is, which is the cause of black screens and CTDs. The memory overhead of the sim is way bigger - like orders of magnitude bigger - than a PS1 game.

Iā€™d argue, the memory limitations scale similarly, definitely not 1:1 but there was definitely a lot going off in that game given the extreme tightness of resources available to PS1.

Anyway, without me inadvertently derailing this topic, my point was if it was possible on PS1, Iā€™m pretty sure itā€™s possible on Xbox with enough commitment. With that been said, the replay feature on PC is anything but ā€˜okā€™ in my opinion and I really hope they can redo it for both platforms.

The game was running on less than 2MB of RAM. MSFS minimum spec is like 8GB of RAM, which is 4,000 times bigger. And thereā€™s no rule that a sim as complicated as MSFS must scale linearly in overhead with games from decades ago.

The developers said directly itā€™s a memory challenge, which is made quite clear by the fiasco that is Xbox stability with any add on products.

My thought is MSFS 2024 is the best bet for Xbox replay, but itā€™ll highly depend on how much memory overhead their code refactoring and updates create.

It should be a priority feature in 2024 itā€™s part of flight Sim legacy dating way back. Asobo legacy will be killing off the replay mode and introducing black screens

Thatā€™s such a negative way to look at the whole picture. You kinda missed the whole forest for the tree, Microsoft / Asoboā€™s legacy would be that they brought 90% of the sim to the Xbox which used to be a PC exclusive in the older days. And they have shown willingness to commit to the Xbox as a platform and make the experience as much as pc like as possible. Case in point, WASM support in Xbox, it just took a year to get this done which is not very long for a novel concept. You would be surprised how many PC users have an elitist mindset and think Xbox is ruining the sim for them and Xbox is not a ā€œproperā€ platform for simming (full disclaimer, I am a pc user too but have no grudges against xbox, I just like to look at things with a rational mindset). And Microsoft/Asobo has to please both camps of users.

But asobo / ms are not magicians, nor is it possible to rewrite an entire sim / engine to reduce overhead without carefully considering other areas like backward compatibility, sdk etc. within a short period of time. All that with staying within the 16gb of unified memory of Xbox series x, letā€™s not even consider series s for now, almost every developer is having problems with that console.

Letā€™s just look forward to MSFS 2024 and see what they can do with this. This feature may or may not come in that sim, but Rome wasnā€™t built in one day.


I imagine some of it is an issue being streaming data for generating the world. Versus a canned race-track thatā€™s fully loaded into the game for the session.

So I was probably as surprised as anyone when I turned on my Xbox on the last SU15 build and discovered that there was a replay function finally after over three years. I never could really understand why a flight simulator in 2024 wasnā€™t capable of having a simple replay function.

Replay has existed on Microsoft flight simulator as far back as I can remember, certainly for several decades. Replay has also been around and remains on just about ANY racing game or simulator. And weā€™ve proved now that Xbox is capable of having replay too.

So, for the three or four days that it was available on the Xbox, I used it extensively, several dozen times. I mostly recorded the last 5 to 7 minutes of my flight which included the approach and landing. I was so happy to finally have this feature, and was really enjoying it. I also had absolutely zero problems with the replay functionality and it was completely stable every time I used it.

And every day I used the replay function, I constantly had in the back of my mind that Microsoft was going to screw it up and take it back away from us. And of course, that is exactly what they did. This has made me so incredibly annoyed and angry that I cannot even express it in this post.

I understand the supposed reasoning for pulling it was because the Xbox memory deficiency causes the replay function to be unstable, and also can make the entire fight simulator unstable. My guess is where that was occurring was when people were using the replay function for several minutes worth of replay. I get that that is not going to work with the limited amount of RAM the Xbox has.

But why not let The end-user have a replay function that perhaps is limited to only five or 10 minutes worth of recording. Plenty enough to record the thing that I believe most people are the most interested in seeing: their approach and landing.

Come on Asobo give us Xbox users the replay function back. Weā€™ve been patient on this whole replay thing, and then you finally give it to us, allow us to use it, and enjoy it, and then turn right around and take it away because you donā€™t think weā€™re capable and responsible enough to realize that if it does cause issues, that we can just tone it down by recording less. Weā€™re grown adults here, and we have been simming, most of us, for a very long time.

Weā€™re smart enough to recognize that if we push the limits of the replay function, it will significantly impact the simulator. Why not let us be the judge as to how much we can make use of the replay function, and just make sure we donā€™t go beyond that. I think we can handle it, so, please return the replay function to the Xbox users, I know we would certainly appreciate it


As a fellow Xbox user, I have really been wanting this feature for ages. You have my vote!

At the very least, make it for the Xbox Series X - the Series S would probably struggle with that more than the X would.