VR controller method

Since the VR update date has been revealed, i’m really curious about how we will control all the buttons and yokes on VR. I really hope Asobo has developed the same method like X-plane, which allows you to play only sitting on the chair and user your VR controllers to manage everything. For me, the best, easiest and confortable option. Not to mention, hotas and mouse vr must be an option!

Any info about this without breaking any NDA?

Chances are you won’t be able to receive this information until the release or we get insight on how it works. Regardless, I don’t see them implementing a feature where you must use key binds to control as you won’t be able to see your keyboard. So chances are, you’ll probably end up using your controls to control everything (except for the flight controls maybe?) that would be pretty cool ngl, but I think we’d still need yokes lol.

I sincerely hope mouse integration is in there to click/turn/pull/push buttons and knobs. I sincerely HATE flying with VR controllers since they eat battery and some devs use haptics/rumbling which even further limits their play time before they have to be charged and i can’t be arsed to bother charging them anymore.

Both DCS and Aerofly gives you an OPTION to use whatever control method you want.


You can learn to feel your way to put your hands in the right spot on the keyboard, i played Elite Dangerous for months without controllers/HOTAS and it’s really not a big problem.

It takes like a month tops to learn your button and controls in VR.
After that the muscle memory should be 2nd nature.
It took me a 2-3 weeks and all of my controls/buttons were second nature.
Never had to remove the headset…and HOTAS has a ton of buttons till the point I have unused ones leftover.

Like the OP, I’m hoping they allow full touch controller implementation. I have every physical controller you can imagine but I prefer using the VR controllers in VR for everything except rudder pedals. That’s the way I’ve been flying in Xplane for some time and while using a yoke with VR controllers is not as good as having a physical yoke, the ability to just reach out and flip switches and turn dials makes it worth the tradeoff for me and you get used to it. As someone who has over $1000 worth of GoFlight panels, using a mouse and keyboard is not an option anymore and even assigning functions to HOTAS keys is not nearly as immersive as just reaching out and flipping switches.

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