[VR] Scenery stutter when turning aircraft, NOT when looking around

I am experiencing stutters in the scenery when I’m turning the aircraft, for example when taxiing but also in the air.
When I am looking around me, it is not stuttering but super smooth.
So, look to the left - no stutters in scenery background
Turn aircraft to the left - many stutters in the scenery background

This difference tells me its not about terrain pre-caching. What could this be?

7800X3D, 2080ti, 32gb ddr5, quest 2, win 11

Hi, having the same issue (also VR user). The real reason (in my case) are handcrafted detailed sceneries and a little bit to high /graphic/resolution settings.
I don’t thing it’s a bug. Your system is overloaded. If I decrease my graphic settings, stutter disappears.

Win11, Quest 3, 7800X3D OC, 7800XT OC

I have your gpu and vr on my wishlist, too bad to hear even you have these issues…

But why would it would it only stutter when turning the aircraft, but not when looking around?

I’m not an software developer, but for my understanding, the static view of the plane and cockpit needs much less rendering/graphics “calculation”/CPU/GPU power than a whole moving screen. I did my best to describe my thoughts :partying_face:

Sounds reasonable. Will keep trying to move sliders to the left. Hoped I didn’t need to with my new CPU… :frowning:

Actually my wishlist has 7900xt. We’ll see in some months how far that gets me

Use DISPLAY FPS in MSFS and you will see if you have a CPU or GPU bottleneck

Hi @MajorSwitcher and welcome back to the forum !

We’ve moved your topic into the User Support Hub.

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My monitor has a 60 Hz refresh rate and I put the simulator’s VSYNC graphic option to 50% of monitors refresh rate. This works the CPU less busy now preparing just 30 FPS to monitor giving time for other things to keep up while turning aircraft. I’m not sure what happens in VR as far as FPS goes but it might be a good experiment to see if the in game VSYNC setting can get you down to 30 FPS somehow. Just a thought…

Hi, thanks for this idea. I tried this configuration weeks ago, unfortunately without success. VSYNC has no influence in VR. My experience.

I find this too with 7800x3d/4090/Quest 3. I’ve found that using a wired connection rather than virtual desktop improves this to an extent but I still have the left/right bluriness. I’m interested to know what causes this as my settings are not high and I’m not bottlenecked.

even with a 4090! Oh no… :frowning:
I found that I don’t have it with these settings, BUT very important, clear skies.
As soon as I turn on live weather (currently heavy clouds at EGSS) and turn the aircraft, I get the stuttering in the ‘outside’ background

I did try using DLSS, which definetely smoothes out the stuttering, but the pixelated scenery is ugly and more important the cockpit buttons unreadable


TLOD of 200 on the ground is the culprit. Turn it down on the ground and most of the stutters turning the aircraft should go away. Interesting to know is, if u are using any kind of traffic, ai, live or external programs like fstl. These also cause these kind of stutters, because they are using CPU ressources and this kind of stuttering is caused by the CPU.

I’ve tried TLOD at minimum and this still seems to happen

Enable DISPLAY FPS. It’s the first step to check if you are CPU or GPU bottlenecked with your configuration.
By the way: Since the new .12 release my scenery stuttering (in detailed airports) has become less

I hate to break the news to your but everyone’s cpu, even yours, is bottlenecked with msfs2020, lol! This is because msfs, like most sims, are not multi-thread optimized. You may see that your overall cpu usage is low but if you drill down to individual threads you’ll find at least one hits 100%.

Since we have very similar PC setups I suggest you give my latest recommended settings that I layed out in a thread last month. These have proven to work very well for me and are based on lots of experimentation over several months. You can see these here;

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This happens to me as well, it is an issue on fast jets. Not a problem in slow prop planes but take a fast moving jet up like the f18 and turning the aircraft hard will bog the performance. My assumption is that it is trying to preload scenery for X distance ahead of the plane’s current vector . Faster travel or potential travel = more distance to load. Turning the plane hard = more distance to load and continuously reload as the vector continues to change. This is a little irritating in 2D but really rough in VR.

We already have that.

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Indeed, you are correct. My error.
Thank you for your comment as wasn’t taking advantage of that in FS2020 by not seeing / utilizing the toggle function.

I feel like an idiot for missing that…

This is expected. When you turn your head, it’s very easy for SteamVR to insert a predicted frame if one does not come in time from the game: It just rotates every pixel by the amount of head movement. It’s a completely different matter when you turn the airplane.

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I’ve finally resolved the shadowing issue - turning on SSW in Virtual Desktop pretty much gets with of the sideways judder and ghosting.

I’d tried everything with nbo success and this seems to stop it happening. I’m not crazy about this feature but VD’s SSW is so good now - there’s barely any artifacting and what there is i honestly don’t notice.