VR settings on Reverb G2 5800X3D or 7900X3D with 4090 - My opinion

200Hrs of VR flying I’ve come to these settings, and I don’t see folks sharing something like this.
My goal was 30fps MR in VR, smooth, stutter free flying. NOT appropriate for use without Motion Reprojection. Can’t say what it will be like on lesser hardware.
Stock Win 11 OS, 5800X3D and 4090, 16GB ram, 1TB+ NVME. Good internet. Without it you can’t succeed. Nvidia Driver 536.09 totally stock. No set to performance or anything else, no specific MSFS profile. stock. NO GeForce Experience, only Driver. NO PhysX or HD audio Driver from Nvidia Either.
This is also validated on 7900X3D and 4090.

Rivaturner 7.3.4 with MSFS exe locked at 30fps, set to launch at boot up of PC, runs minimized.

OpenXR tools for Windows (WMR): Prefer Framerate over Latency check, nothing else checked. NO MR, No newest runtime. set it and forget it.

Mixed Reality Portal: Optimized for Performance, 90Hz and Display Resolution 4320x2160 Best Quality. set it and forget it. Launch before sim.

OpenXR toolkit:
Main settings: Override YES, bump resolution to maximum ~ 6300X####, MR 30fps locked, FFR Quality wide and cull HAM. CAS 85%-100%.

DLSS swapper to load DLSS Library 3.1.13 over current Asobo 2.56 Library. Github Beeradmore DLSS-swapper

MSFS settings: DX12
PC: DLSS Auto, World Scale 100, Global settings Ultra, TLOD 155, OLOD 155, Vsync off, no frame generation.
VR: DLSS Auto, AMD FX set to 0, TLOD 155, OLOD 155, Everything else to highest settings.
DATA tab: Delete rolling Cache and turn it off.
*** When using Map enhancement tool and Google Map Server it is critical to never run sim without FIRST starting Map enhancement. Mixing Bing and google data in a cache is 100% stutter fest. ****

I run Live Player traffic, Live Weather and minimal vehicle traffic and airport/vessels/fauna to 10-15 vs 100.

Sharpening: My experience is that setting AMD FX sharpening in PC tab and VR tab to 0 still involved the calculation. Go in your Local Cache and USERCFG.OPT file and in GraphicsVR - Postprocess switch Sharpening from 1 to 0, turns it off. Toolkit CAS will do sharpening. You can choose to set your USERCFG.opt file to read only in properties. Nvidia GeForce Experience is known to change your settings. I do not run GeForce Experience.

It’s a lot… I get that… I’ve flown all of Europe, cities and all, and had a great experience. See haystacks at 2000FT, live weather, Cockpit is pencil sharp, DLSS Wobblies / Jigglies are minimal. In flying with others, 30FPS trails are visible on friend’s plane.

Philosophy: Let the Sim put out the Very Best Image, Feed it the Highest Map Data, DLSS on Auto adjusts locally and is excellent at scaling a “Very Large Override” down to the Reverb G2. G2 is setup to concentrate image in center, optimized for Performance and FFR. This moves processing to GPU, My CPU times are 7-13ms and GPU are 22ish ms. Unlocked I see 40-45FPS in Toolkit FPS counter. Locking to 30FPS gives headroom for loading complex scenes and no stutters.
Internet: very important. If you can’t stream map data consistently, you will hang and Stutter. I have 300Mb/s internet on ethernet cable/ no wifi. 1 Day to the next, Internet speeds can make a mess of the game.

This goes in the face of many… Questions are welcome. There are several of you who have helped me get here. Thank you.


World scale is very relevant for VR. It changes the perceived size of the 3D (stereoscopic) world and especially the part of we world which is closest to the viewer - the cockpit. The proper setting depends on the IPD of the user and the way the given cockpit was modelled. It has no impact on FPS.
I don’t want to hijack your topic, I suggest to remove the quoted statement from your original post
I suggest to other readers to not refer to my post and to focus on the settings recommended by the original poster.


[quote=“SprungNickel427, post:1, topic:596311”]
bump resolution to maximum ~ 6300X#### … VR: DLSS Auto [/quote]

I run 4700X### and DLSS Balanced. This is the first I’ve seen your combo. I’ll have to give it a go.

I removed World Scale line on your advice. I don’t need to adjust it as I have the correct IPD in my HMD Fair point. Thank you. I hope people using the G2 set their IPD correctly to minimize this issue and are comfortable.

do let me know how it works, or doesn’t for you.

I’m trying it now. It looks a little clearer than what I was previously seeing but at the expense of FPS dropping from around 50, which I have become quite used to, to 40. As such, I’m not sure the extra clarity is worth a 20% performance reduction. Nonetheless, I’m impressed that setting and effective 400% render resolution doesn’t turn MSFS into a slide show and it does look very good and, really, 40 FPS is pretty good to achieve with such high grapics settings too.

An update to my testing of super high render resolution and DLSS Auto. As my recent flight progressed from day to night, the quality of the instruments in my Concorde became noticeably lower.

After I finished the flight I checked the render resolution that DLSS Auto downscales to and it was 2100X down from 6300X, so it seems DLSS in Auto is actually using the Ultra Performance preset which is 33% of initial resolution. Compare this to my usual 4700X and DLSS Balanced which, at 58% scaling, produces and output of 2700X so no wonder it looks better than DLSS Auto and super high starting resolution.

Given that visual quality is lower and performance is lower than what I am getting at @SprungNickel427’s settings , I suggest @SprungNickel427 that you try my setting of 220% render resolution (~4675X) and DLSS balanced and see if you get better (uncapped) performance and visual quality than what you currently do.

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interesting, I fly VFR and fast and low and not airlines so I lock 30fps MR and most of my planes have excellent cockpit clarity but not really in the airlines space. I can fly 150ft off the deck and look straight down my wing with no stutter. DLSS Auto should adjust dynamically to the environment, cities vs countryside and low vs high altitude demands. Do you not fly with Motion reprojection?

I do not use MR as I find the artifacting it produces unacceptable. I much prefer 40+ FPS with no artifacting.

I have tried DLSS Auto before and experienced the same use of the Ultra Performance preset. You can check what yours is using by turning on Dev Mode and seeing what your final render resolution is in the FPS view. If you are seeing 2100X yours is using Ultra Performance ie. 33%

ah yes, well this settings is not appropriate for none MR use. I understand why you said what you said in the context of NOT using motion reprojection. These do not work for none MR use as the target is 30fps and unlocked I see 40-45fps this headroom of 10-15FPS allows for smoothness in transition to complex areas.

I don’t think the DLSS preset that DLSS Auto choses has anything to do with whether you use MR or not as it is OpenXR, not MSFS, that sets MR on or off. All I’m suggesting to you is that you may be getting lower DLSS quality and performance than you could be having, and hence even better MR headroom, and it is very easy to check whether this is the case using Dev Mode FPS view as I have suggested.

I’ve installed the DLSS swapper but it tells me to download the DLSS version 3.1.13 first. I did that. Where do I have to put this dll??

Edit: ahh forget it… I found the library :smiley:

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Dear All,

I so much enjoyed this post (been reading a lot in the background) that I decided to come and join in.

So, here goes my first Post.

I’d like to add a few thoughts for those of you with 7900x3d or the 7950x3d, I use all the settings as described by @SprungNickel427 and @ResetXPDR . I have my main PC monitor running of the graphics card inside the CPU and the Reverb G2 as only device plugged into my 4090. By doing this and setting my monitor to run at exact multiples of my MR rate (30 fps) smoothness galore and the load on the 4090 drops 12-15%, freeing up more power to render better. I also find certain planes with Garmin GPS’s in them render and run of the built in GPU.

Then, using the native resolution of the G2 with 2160x2160 per eye, its needs approx 3160x3160 rendered by the sim, to be squashed down into the headset.

This with my setup translates into an Override Resolution setting in the OpenXR Toolkit of 4852x4742 → renders to 3235x3161, which is lowest I can get to just exceed 3160 on the y axis.

Using DLSS Quality with 4852x4742 on Override, (I used to run 6332xXXX and DLSS Ultra Performance) I now have a touch more overhead available and can turn up the TLOD from 155 to 205. Why 205, well, from pure visual experience, I see jumps in picture quality at 105, 155, and 205, so always 5 above the 50 multipliers.

It’s also very important to have all the settings you set on the VR tab, to also be set identical on the PC tab. Especially Texture Synthesis → Ultra → superb clarity into the distance.

I hope this help you all to find a touch more of what we all enjoy,

I fly GA, Spitfire all over the globe.

Cheers, BillyTT

my setup: 79003xd, ddr5-6000, 4090, 980Pro, G2, Alpha, Bravo, TM pedals

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Welcome to the forums @BillyTT7456 :slight_smile:

I tried this when I had a 10850K and 3080 but I would get screen tearing on the monitor, even on the Windows desktop, like it wasn’t syncing properly. Unfortunately, my 5800X3D that I upgraded to doesn’t have an internal GPU so I haven’t been able to try it again.

Never knew this. I’ll give this a shot. Thanks.

That’s a higher resultant render resolution that I am using so would obviously look better and why not if you’re still achieving your 30 FPS MR lock with sufficient headroom.

Thanks @ResetXPDR, a pleasure be be here!

I’ve been investigating a bit more on how to get maximum visual fidelty and I came accross a conversation on Reddit from an HP engineer, who was working with a PHD in Optics, that looked into the subpixel level of the G2.

They anaylysed the scaling needed to opticall get full visual fidelity for each of the RGB colors.

Red needs factor 1.4563 → Resolution of 3145
Green needs factor 1.4967 → Resolution of 3232
Blue needs factor 1.5848 → Resolution of 3423

So by looking at the render resolution the Sim can do, that gave me the following resolution to be set in the OpenXR Toolkit for the Override Resolution: 5254 x 5132 → resulting in 3503 x 3423.

So I upped the resolution and took it for spin, and the clarity is amazing. I was able to keep DLSS Quality and TLOD 205, despite the higer resolution. However at times I found the occasional wiggly/wobbly on the MR, so I took Ambient Occlusion from Ultra to High and all was good again.

The visual fidelity at this resolution with DLSS Quality is something else… I tried the resolutions to capture Green and Red perfectly, in fact my 3161 attemp did get at minumum Red included, then bumping up the get Green in there too, was also much better, but with all 3 colors as of 3423, it was amazing… :slight_smile:

All still holding 30FPS with MR locked from the OpenXR Toolkit menus. Would love to hear if the 5800x3d can manage as it’s an amazing chip. Strategy here could be: go for Blue resolution and drop TLOD progressively.

Enjoy, Cheers, Billy


Welcome. I will give that a try. @BillyTT7456
@ResetXPDR I tried the lower render resolution you suggested and DLSS quality on my 5800X3D with locked 30MR and get the “gigglies” around my wing edges so must be on the edge. I got less of that on ultra performance with 6300. I will try to find a middle ground there.

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I’ve been really wanting to love MR - but at 30 FPS I get terrible tearing at the edges of my view when I move my head. Anyone else experiencing this too?
I’ve tried to get 45FPS to work but the OPENXR setting would still default to 30 somehow (although without MR my frame are between 45-50 fps)

@BillyTT7456 been flying your settings and the 5800X3D is on the limits. I run 5296x and turned down TLOD 150, OLOD 150 and knocked clouds to high, ambient occlusion to medium, Shadow medium and cockpit reflection/glass to medium and I’m barely hanging on to 30FPS. It’s crisp and smooth 90% of the time. tiniest stutters so further tweaks needed for 5800X3D and 4090.
@Alexr87nl the black edge coming in on head rotation? or MR artifacts from 30fps? What CPU do you have? 4090?

Yeah it’s the black edge indeed - 13900k and 4090 here…

have you played with the HAM Mask or the Cull mask feature in Toolkit? I run the cull feature which culls increases view in the goggles but leave a mask on the monitor, less pixels to draw there. HAM disabled removed it on both if I remember seeing.
I do get the black straight edge boarders on loading in but not in flight really. sometime I see a black line at the corner of a horizon/edge of the screen but it’s the really far distance still drawing in.