Seems to be some difference of opinion on Vsync on or off. On my rig the default is On. Is there a definitive answer? Thanks.

Depends on what your goal is, eh?

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No definite answer as it depends on each individual’s setup and preferences.

Best thing to do is try the different settings for yourself. The best settings are the ones that work for you. No one else has your setup or your personal preference. Vsync works for me, but that’s my personal preferences.


I have it on, also gsync on, but for that to be smooth, you’ll need a decent gaming monitor and the correct connection, high speed display port probably high end gpu. All system and hardware are different, so it’s not really a matter of just copy somebody’s settings, you have to look at your own system, hardware, cables, gpu, motherboard etc

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With all due respect, why would someone use GSync/FreeSync with VSync enabled ? :slight_smile: Whats the sense behind that ?


There isn’t a one sized answer fits all, type of thing, unfortunately. Try to turn it on and see if it helps? If it doesn’t, no harm.

Everyone has their own preference. On my rig, I get bad screen tearing with v sync off, so I keep it on, though use 60 fps and 30 fps at times. If I didn’t have tearing, I would leave it off.

Its quite a long answer, but this guy says it - Why YOU Should use G-Sync and VSync Together with a Frame Limiter. - YouTube


I have it off on this sim as I don’t hit my maximum refresh of my monitor and sim runs fine. If your going beyond your screens refresh rate then it’s necessary or it will cause screen tearing. Other normal non sim games I nearly always have Vsync on as it will exceed my refresh rate.

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I limit my frames via nvidia control panel to 30. Keeps everything silky smooth at 80% 4k on laptop with 2070 max q. The limit helps with not running vCard at 100%.


I can do 22-26 nowadays, over farmlands and beaches… but I run with vsync clipped on 20 FpS. Else my fan is on all the time, also during pause and menu… and I don’t like that. Also it seems I have less stutters when I clip it at 20, I’m not sure if that still counts. I keep it at 20, to prevent temperature going too high up.

DX-11, i7, 16G, MX-330…

Depends on your goals and hardware and display.

But if you do put it on and use nvidia, nvidia recommends keeping it OFF in all game internal menus, such as the MSFS menu, and turn it on and apply applicable settings in the nvidia control panel instead under 3D Application Settings and selecting MSFS from the drop down list. In that menu you can also set fps limits for the foreground and background, demand max performance at all times, specify how strict vsync should be, etc.

It’s definitely worth taking a look at. I had been having a hell of a time on a brand new rig more than capable of handling my objectives in the sim and now I use vsync via the nvidia panel this way and get stable performance to my liking with the settings and resolution I prefer. I have it set to adaptive which technically says “allows some tearing to avoid an fps drop” if render speed becomes an issue, but I haven’t noticed any issues ever since I finally got it all fine tuned to my liking in that nvidia control panel.

All that said, I agree with everyone else that there is no one size fits all solution. It highly depends on your variables in hardware, goals for the sim performance, and more.

In the end, the best solution is this: try it with and without and use whichever gives you better performance :slight_smile:


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I get bad screen tearing with vsync off, so I keep it on in game, but the in game values are misleading as they represent TV monitors running at 60hz, 60 is equal to your monitor’s refresh rate, 30 is half and 20 equals a third , My monitor runs at 75hz, so I set vsync at 30, and that will lock my fps to 37.5 fps, (half of 75).


I limit my frames in the nvidia settings and turn vsync ingame off, i think the framerate is more stable this way, but it could be a placebo based on old fsx wisdom.

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This is really interesting. All this time, i had it wrong. My question is, though, i’ve got my monitor set to 120 hz, is setting it to 117 really necessary, since getting those kind of frames is near impossible in MSFS? The other question is, should vsync be set to “FAST” or “ON” in the NVCP?

On at 30 fps, works very good for me


Don’t bother setting your monitor to 117. It is no doubt a variable rate monitor. Some monitors require a DisplayPort cable and a setting in the monitor to enable Displayport 1.2 or higher compression to give you the highest FPS.

Vsync does require some CPU overhead to work, but if you are getting bad screen tearing this is the solution. I prefer to lower my settings to eliminate tearing. Vsync is an either/or choice; either on in game or on in NCP, never both. Limiting frame rates to 30fps in the NCP is the same as setting Vsync on in game to 30fps. FAST in the NCP will try to give you the highest variable frame rate without tearing. I have not tested FAST with MSFS, so feel free to report your results. ON will try to sync with your monitor refresh rate in increments up to 120fps. My 60hz monitor will try to sync at 60 or 30, for example. Some players need a higher FPS than 30 or they get seasick. Mostly everyone is perfectly fine with 30fps as long as it’s rock solid stable. If you drop below 30 your eyes may notice the slide show affect. I hope this helps.

What I did because I do play other games, Hell Let Loose, Forza 5, Wreckfest for example which are all different to each other and MSFS, I wanted to fix my own settings for all games and didn’t want to set just for MSFS.

So… I enabled GSYNC again after not using it, which I had to swap out the HDMI for Display Port cable to my monitor, as it had Freesync and thats the only way for my Samsung G5 monitor to enable/show the GSYNC option in the Nvidia control panel (enable inside the monitor settings). I also set Low Latency Mode to Ultra, and VSYNC to Fast, limited my FPS to 141 as blurbusters guide - and now no matter which game I run it is very smooth, I was amazed with the difference with each game, I just wanted to try every game out again, such difference but I would say about same FPS, defiantly didn’t notice any drop in FPS.

Link to blurbusters GSYNC + VSYNC ON here - G-SYNC 101: Optimal G-SYNC Settings & Conclusion | Blur Busters
I even upgraded my mouse to 1000Hz Razer Viper Mini re this guide :slight_smile:

Info about GSYNC here - G-SYNC 101: Closing FAQ | Blur Busters

Back to FPS in MSFS I noticed no real change in FPS, if anything they are now better since I enabled GSYNC VSYNC etc but maybe that is down to SU7 and Nvidia drivers.

Hope this helps, quite technical, but once you get the correct settings its great.

I play other games as well. With the old way, having only Gsync enabled, I never experienced any screen tearing at all. Not even a little bit. I’m more concerned about frametime consistency which will basically eliminate stuttering.

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Well the Like to Dislike ratio speaks for itself.
I hope you dont believe everything you hear or read on the Internet. And Im not trying to be rude or anything, but it makes absolutely no sense to use both…
I can go more into detail, if you want me to.