And we need helipads at airports, buildings, ground where we can set up on, and land on. How many building helipads have I just floated through trying to land on an LA, Tokyo, Nagoya building?
Active = one can set up on it.
Activate = I use MSFS Add-ons Linker to only use scenery I need, and not clog up the sim’s load time.
Active helipads in fictional Jurassic Park scenery (Kaua’i)
All those tempting helipads in Nagoya and Tokyo and you just float through.
An update put helipads on some of the Santa Barbara Oil Rig scenery, but they are not active.
Lucky moment. Found a solid roof at the Tokyo NHK center, and I was flying an NHK livery. Not an active helipad.
This superb, handcrafted lightstation off the SE UK coast. Active as well.
DTLA scenery add-on buildings are solid rooftops, but not active. There is a photogrammetry helo on City Hall East’s helipad… grrrrr.
Active helipads in Tokyo Bay, when activated
Active Helipad in Leeds when activated - you need to add the hospital building separately at press time.
Gorgeous Niigata scenery. Hard rooftops, but not active helipads.
Hospital in Minden. Active when activated
Paris Heliport. Active helipads when activated.
Sunset from the “Nakatomi” building. Hard surface, but not active.
MASH set in Malibu. Active, but no separation from GA planes.
Cheers to those freeware designers doing their best to make it possible. Still wondering why ORBX did not put one active helipad at Van Nuys and Burbank, though they have all the helipads included. I’d like to start a flight in those areas, but cannot.
Also, Cheers to the great livery makers.