Water Physics/Depth Change?

I’d not flown seaplanes/flying boats for awhile, but I’m doing so now and I’m noting a change in behavior on the water.

There are shutters in roll as the aircraft moves through the water as though its striking underwater objects. This did not used to happen. Water was never modeled well, but this is a new thing. I see it in multiple seaplanes/flying boats.

Has the depth of water changed?

(MSFS 2024 cannot come soon enough!)

Example of issue:

It’s even happening when stationary. I tossed out the anchor in the Nardi and the aircraft keeps shuttering in the same way as you see in the video while underway.

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I was going to say, it’s that moment before you fully hydroplane when you are out of sync with the waves, but that video looks normal. I am also working through my water birds, so I can’t say I’ve tried that one lately. I want to get some sense of what’s “standard” for 2020.

I see this same weird shuttering in the Boeing 314 whilst anchored and taxiing, too.

I’ve seen some other posts on the forum about it too (maybe 2 that I recall).

But yes, I’ve also noticed this being different than in the past. I haven’t IRL landed/took off from water so I really don’t know how it would “feel” and react.

My Uncle had an Icon 5 and I did ride along with him, but this was on a lake in calm waters. It was a bit bumpy.

If I had to put a word on it, I would say it’s more “boat-y”.

Related report:

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Ah, that was one I remembered seeing. :slight_smile:


So we aren’t calling this behavior a bug?

That thread was moved out of the bug category.

I suppose it’s pointless… 2024 has radically different water physics if the trailers are anything to go by.

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Definitely a bug.
I also have the same problem.
After watching some youtube videos from Aviation101 and AngleOfAttack where they go through floatplane lessons around Talkeetna in Alaska, I really wanted to do the same flights in MSFS. But the feeling of the plane on the water was simply horrible. Mainly two problems in fact:

1- That “Is it touching the ground” bounce that was described in this topic… as if the water was too shallow and the plane floats were hitting some hard surface below the water. Really annoying and definitely shouldn’t happen. The youtube videos show perfectly how smooth it’s supposed to be. The sim is nothing like that. It’s ridiculous.

2- The exaggerated effect of any kind of side wind which makes it absolutely impossible for the plane to face any other direction, no matter how much force you put in the rudder and the water rudders. Ridiculous as well, and reported many times by users, with no reaction yet from Asobo.

We can just hope they finally work a bit on floatplanes in MSFS 2024, I guess…

What model is shown in the video?

It’s the Nardi FN-333 Riviera from Mario Noriega. Fun little plane.