We have to criticize but we cant always be so harsh

How without air mass etc. Could you please describe the “realistic” flight behaviour on technical level? Compared to FS2020, X-Plane feels like flying on rails.

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And “back in the day” it used to feel like your aircraft was a Christmas ornament hanging on the tree. Or like trying to balance a spinning plate on a chopstick. :roll_eyes:

Then of course everything would be great. That’s the point.

Not any longer. Gane pass costs 10€ right now because end of beta.

“10/10 amazing! I’d buy a copy for PC and Xbox”

Me too.

So yea, take the YT’ers with a grain of salt. I think that’s what you’re trying to say =)

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Anyone blindly following paid YouTubers/‘influencers’ is a naive fool.

Like my grandpa used to say, “Listen to others and think for yourself.”

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But how do you really feel?

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Good saying.

I will clarify that they’re(most likely) not paid by Msft directly but they do they money for views and videos from yt and any subscriptions they get from viewers.

Any time an ‘influencer’ is getting paid to promote a product, either directly or indirectly, I wouldn’t expect an unbiased view.

i could swear I paid $60 for X-Plane not half a year ago

Sure you did but ONLY if you decide to buy it. You’re free to try it all you want FOR FREE 15 minutes at a time.

My question to you is did you buy it (X-plane) first or try the demo first?

How? Because the current version of FS 2020 still needs training wheels.

Do you think for one second the aircraft in FS 2020 feel “real” (yet)?

Being harsh is not the probem, your post should be something somebody can work with. A lot of posts here offer no indication of what exactly the problem is. ‘Worst patch ever’ says nothing. You have to state what your problem is and how you would like it to be solved.

The whole forum is filled with emotional text, people don’t give information. A development company can’t work with emotions, it needs tasks.

So a person says ‘i would like this and that to be fixed’ without under the belt comments that add noise. Then others think ‘hey good idea’, and we vote on it. Then it comes on their list and they fix it.


Yep. A bare minimum would be the specs on the computer build, and OS version, internet speed.

A better report would include a screen grab of the event log that proceeded the bad behavior.

A complete report would give full details on how to recreate the error, based on hardware specs.

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Completely agree with you…the purpose of the forums should be to share our thoughts, our ideas, our experiences in the Sim, to report issues and help each other if we have had similar problems that we have found ways to overcome them.
Are you frustrated with an issue, report it first to the devs and thats it…you are not solving anything by keep complaining…
Keep reporting…not complaining…

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I agree although, after a bug is reported and then made worse (or introduced as a new bug) after 2 patches, it is human nature to be a bit peeved…

I know, I understand your point…you want to express your anger when you can’t enjoy the whole experience…express it in a way that you don’t swear and you don’t show disrespect…to the devs ot to fellow simmers


I do agree with you. Now if only filing a bug report in Zendesk led to any kind of soothing follow-up… My experience felt like sending a note into a black hole, that got filed as “solved” quicker than a human could have read and understood it.

The problem is really not harsh criticism but criticism of the wrong things. Just about the only thing that is approximately as promised by Asobo in this game is the graphics. But that’s what 95% of the forum is complaining about.