Welcome to RayTracing, and RayTraced Reflections in MSFS install guide

Hello again!!! Yes, this is not fake, this works in MSFS as it has been in other titles. None of this is my work, only my idea to bring it to MSFS. Please enjoy. I will be providing links as there are already install guides for everything. Best of luck and happy RayTracing!!! PS, don’t try this with all Ultra on a potato system. It will however work on any card, AMD, Nvidia GTX… This will add 10 Celcius to your vidcard. This will most likely get a 4090 GPU limited. I don’t have one, and best card in my testing is a 3080ti, and my 3090. BTW, not shown in the Reshade pic, you need to have RT Global Illumination pluggin running to be raytracing. SSR is the reflections. There also is a MXAO pluggin that I highly recommend. Tune it to your liking, add or subtract rays, raylength you name it.

You can even use this preset and guide as a base.

Where to get the Pascal Gilcher RTGI pluggin. Yes, its not free. But its not expensive, the price of a very cheap addon.

Thank-You to wildwomanusa for testing and proving this reshade preset specifically geared to MSFS and Raytracing

This seems a bit fishy. Ray tracing needs to part of the rendering engine - it needs to know the light source locations (sun, each lamp, etc.), the location of objects in the scene and their materials, then map the calculated paths and reflections. It’s not in MSFS, at least not in this form.

Reshade is “just” a post processing filter. So how could it possibly do ray tracing? All it can do is fake something that looks similar, but it’s not really ray tracing.

Because its a separate pluggin that uses reshade to load. It’s very real, and very documented all over the webs… look it up. It’s working in titles all over youtube as well. If you read the documentation in the link, it also explains how it works. And, to answer, yes again. It’s real raytracing. Read Guide To RayTracing

EDIT: From the Guide : Global Illumination (GI for friends) is a plenty of Maths and Algorithms meant to simulate real life’s light bounces through the ambient.
Until now Global Illumination was achieved in several different ways, each one with its own limitation.

Developed by Pascal “Marty McFly” Gilcher, PTGL (Path Traced Global Illumination) is an upcoming shader for ReShade which make use of Path Tracing to bring Real Time Global Illumination to every games.
GI’s certainly not something new for games, but, unlike conventional Baked / Precomputed Realtime GI, Marty McFly’s Path Traced solution can provide a way more realistic and physically correct Global Illumination for every games.

I believe the pathtraced version is in BETA but is available to his Patreon. The same for RTGI which is out of BETA, and being displayed working here.

I will, it sounds interesting, although it also sounds a bit like snake oil.

“Real” ray tracing should be able to do calculations like this, where you shine a laser pointer bouncing through mirrors in a corridor. I really doubt it can do that. It’ll need to be buried deep into the rendering engine.


Not only can it, you can adjust how many times it will bounce. The amount of control is insane. You must not have read. This is being promoted as better than baked in solutions. Way more control.

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OK fair. I just don’t get how it can do that being just a post-processing plugin, not buried deep into the games rendering engine code. But I’m not a computer graphics developer. Not exactly sure how much stuff is custom built and how much is generic provided by DirectX.

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I thought it was a gimic, until I tried it. Remember, Mechwarrior 5 doesn’t have VR, as is the case with a pile of titles. Mods brought it.

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I also have a provided msfs specific preset developed by one of my testers.

Got any side-by-side screenshots demonstrating ray-traced reflections vs the ray-marched reflections in the stock sim?

not in this sim. My msfs install is broke. I haven’t played in two months and have 1200 or so addons needing an update, i do have this


OFF (Tinted Glass in cockpit)

ON (Tinted Glass in cockpit)

These shots were with MXAO and RTGlobal Illumination on, the SSR Reflections were not added yet.

I’ll do some today with SSR enabled. Yes, I haven’t tested this myself in MSFS. Did I know it would work, yes. Has it already been tested in MSFS before I posted? Yes, by several testers. Is it amazing? That is what I keep hearing.

If I’m not mistaken this is known since long time and previous threads can be found, such as this one.
Also here the possibility was mentioned.
However the problem is that such an implementation does not use dedicated hardware (RT cores), and the performance impact is huge.
What we need is native support instead, along with a better implementation of DLSS (that now, in MSFS leaves much to be desired) to mitigate even further the performance impact.


Ok, never mind then.