Well, that CRJ 550 looks nice, but sheez that price

Agreed. Thought it was a fine price. Purchased last night and started reading the tutorial manual!
Think I’ll jump in the cockpit later and start reading again :rofl:

The price is more than reasonable. When compared to the BREDOK3D - BOEING 737-MAX at EUR19.99 it’s a complete bargain, in fact.

Its clearly not targetet at the casual simmer. And for its complexity its more than a fair price. This discussions will regularly pop-up in the future when the established companies will pop in with theire high-fidelity products and prices. MSFS has a very wide audience, wich is a good thing.

I consider myself a “hard-simmer” I guess. Been flying Flight Simulators for the past 25 years, and simply love them. But the price of this jet is just not worth it, as it does not introducing any new tech or designs that offers anything other than the standard planes. I will skip this one, or maybe get it when it’s on sale, but there will be plenty other planes coming later, that may offer something new.

As others have mentioned, they could have sold it at a lower price, which would mean a higher volume of sales. But that’s their choice. And in my opinion that’s a good thing, cause now I know for sure that I’ll have to be a nitpicker when it comes to buying planes in this game.

These prices are comparable to DCS planes, and that’s ok, but DCS offers a lot more depth, with navigation AND weapon-systems . And I’ve already paid for the sim, so unless the developers of the planes are introducing something new and groundbreaking, I can’t defend buying “another sim” every time a plane is released.

I think the comments above that it is not targeting the “looks pretty, impulse buy, fly it twice and park it” brigade are pretty spot on.

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I personally don’t think the DCS aircraft have any extra depth, sure the CRJ700 doesn’t have weapon systems but it has plenty of other stuff. And even if you thought it has half the systems of a full fidelity DCS aircraft, it’s also around half the price.

That’s right and you get really screwed if you have an issue. What was my favourite twin prop in FSX? The PMDG JS4100 Jetstream - not into airliners and this was a first day purchase for me.

How long since I’ve flown it? Years - despite still flying FSX in VR to this day - and the JS4100 VC looks outstanding in VR - but that’s as far as it goes . Why? Well because they didn’t bother to tell everyone that if you have an issue with your PC and end up not being able to uninstall this particular add-on using the add/remove programs CPL, you will lose your single activation license for it.

So - you get in touch with PMDG, explain the situation and ask them to please reset it for you. You get a response saying they have done so, but when you try to activate it is still refused. So you try to contact PMDG again to try and get it sorted, but they just ignore your message - and every one you send - every month or two (and always staying polite) - from that point (years ago).

At some stage you think “I’ll go to their forum and see if there’s anything new about this” and you find lots of other people with the same issue - and what is PMDG and their fanboys response? “Don’t worry - FSX is out of date now and we’re making a new one for P3D/X-Plane” or whatever the heck it was.

As if anyone affected by this in their right mind is going to give PMDG any more of their money.

So please don’t tell me a) you get what you pay for (this has been proven so many times with so many products to be complete rubbish but you always get the know betters)
b) buying from certain devs will get you top notch customer service.

Fortunately, Aerosoft are one of the better devs. I would say the price is steep if you are just buying add-ons and not necessarily one you will use much - but it’s not unacceptable and is less than I was expecting.


You have it right, but I would like to say just one point.

We as a customers don`t make decision between the new AS CRJ and products we had in P3D. Our choice is to buy CRJ or to stay with the FBW A320. I am sure for many of us CRJ don’t give so much more that they are ready to pay the price asked.

I personally have not made up my mind yet.

Just don’t buy it. Watch reviews on youtube. It has bugs and not everything is working properly. For that price the plane should;'ve been perfect and without any issues. So just wait until it’s on sale and is fixed.

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SimWorks Studios are working on an MSFS Kodiak at the moment

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Kodiak is a STOL turbo prop more like the Caravan than a CRJ .

In terms of other regional jets this one looks interesting (if you do not speak Russian select subtitles - Russian and then select auto translate - English in the settings) :

They are, but pretty sure they don’t make higher fidelity aircraft, I have their ch701 and it’s very basic and flight model is questionable. I don’t have interest in buying from just anyone, as a RW pilot and sim industry professional, it’s only of interest to me to buy the near or actual ‘study’ level stuff.

I agree. I fly a lot of GA aircraft and know my way around them (in the sim) but honestly: the work it’ll take me to understand all that’s going on in that CRJ is too much for me. For me the complexity of the CJ4 is more than adequate and I’m perfectly happy to fly VFR or IFR VOR to VOR with the Arrow or the Mooney. And I’m looking forward to the Twin Otter. Will definitely try to work myself into this one.
But I can understand the fascination of understanding everything that goes on in a plane as complex as this.
The CRJ is definitely not for the casual flyer. Even the promotion video made that clear to me. In my opinion the price is more than adequate when I see what kind of work and level detail was put into it visually and system-wise.

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I totally agree with this. This is aimed at more hard-core, realism based simmers who want to get a taste of what it’s like to fly the real thing, not just a watered down simplified version. This is where I think a lot of folks go wrong with MSFS - they expect the default aircraft to all be ‘study level’ like this, not realizing how much intensive work and research goes into producing just one aircraft, much less an entire hanger full. If you want super accurate and detailed, you’re going to have to pay a bit more.

If you find the price too high then simply you are not the target for this aircraft. That’s bad news.
The good news is that eventually another CRJ or similar will be available to you in the marketplace with reduced features for a reduced price. Then me and others will complain about the $20 aircraft being incomplete, broken, badly modeled and not realistic and you will argue that it flies perfectly. The circle is infinite.


Switching to another topic, anyone want to bet how many copies did Aerosoft sell? :D. I would say maybe 5000

On a lighter note… I just have to chuckle at the very thought that we are talking about a lack of weapons systems on a regional airliner. :wink: Now THAT is funny.


Some people expect default aircrafts to be study-level and some people expect study-level aircraft to be default.
The result is an endless stream of posts.


Project Megapack had a CRJ and it will be coming back soon (and it will be freeware). That is the airplane for anybody who thinks the price of the Aerosoft CRJ is too high. And I don’t mean because it is free, I mean because that version of the aircraft will not require investing considerable time and effort to learn how to fly (which is what the Aerosoft aircraft requires). The Project Megapack version will be jump in and fly.

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Then you monetize!