Those are a pretty small detail, I guess. Everything else looks pretty good to me.
Jeremy’s tested all of them lol but here are the ones I own:
-Mooney M20R Ovation. Use very frequently on VATSIM with the GNS530 mod. Great visuals, details, performance and overall one of the best from Carenado.
-ATSim Cri-Cri. OK, beta tested for it and its decent. Flight model is still a weeee bit wonky but I suppose that’s how it is IRL too. Don’t fly it often
-FlyingIron Spitfire IX. Beautiful, passionate devs, great sounds, PHENOMENAL textures and modeling, accurate specs and performance. Pretty much perfect. Highly recommend, probably the best payware I own, since I don’t have the JF PA-28 (although I sorely want it!)
I actually like the BREDOK3D 737 Max. A lot leaves to be desired about the cockpit, but is the same horrendous problem with the 747 and the 787, I just like flying 737
(because that is what I liked in P3D/PMDG)
I think even the BREDOK3D 737 Max does the job a tad better than the present - horrible - 747 and 787 (this is a compliment), and the lot of default planes that I tried,
but for perhaps the Beech 58 now after the Sim3 Update, that now flies excellent, Longitude that flies ok,
and for instance the King 350 I find just a horrible mess, the Diamond DA62 is ok-ish but somehow boring.
The little planes - Cessna’s etc. - are ok I suppose (already from FS2000 or so), but I don’t fly these (anymore).
The big thing about MSFS is its weather and the scenery generation, it’s planes, disappointing but for the little steam gauges, and PDMG is at least a year away.
Wow great breakdown. The ones I own feel the same way.
The only one I wasted my money on is the Eurofighter. JUNK…
The only paid-for third party aircraft I own is the Bleriot XI. As BostonJeremy77 says above, it is ‘special’. Unstable, underpowered, and entirely lacking in everything that makes a modern aircraft (or indeed almost any aircraft built in the last hundred years) a pleasure to fly. Which is why I enjoy flying it. Aviation in its most basic form, when getting airborne at all was an accomplishment, and actually going anywhere was utter recklessness.
Highly recommended, if only to put some perspective on how far aviation has come.
And yet, here you are wasting your time posting about the game…
Top 5 in order:
- Trinidad GT (flies nice and just bleeds 80s cool)
- Flying Iron Spitfire
- IndiaFoxtEcho Goshawk
- Sim Skunkworks G91
- Carenado Cessna 182 (not perfect but I just like it for some reason)
Honorable Mention:
Carenado Piper Arrow III
IndiaFoxtEcho MB-339
Iris Jabiru
The Worst:
Bredok3D Eurofighter
Bredok3D 737
What concern is it to you what I do with m my time?
I bought the Carenado Mooney and just bought the Just Flight Arrow.
For the Mooney:
I’ve cross country flown the Mooney from NYC to San Francisco and then decided to continue on and looped clear back to Miami! I did it in 60-90 minute flights stopping at all sorts of airports seeing large international to small farm strips!
It’s fast, has a great autopilot and flies quite well (from a non-pilot IRL).
For the new Arrow:
It “feels” so much heavier or like it has a lot of actual inertia. You can make it super primitive or fairly modern with 3 different GPS. It is pretty slow and you won’t be burning across a nation as fast. The autopilot sometimes likes to flip me over into the ground and the landing/taxi lights are about impossible to see. I’m sure both of those will be fixed.
I don’t regret either purchase. The Mooney is still my “go to”… but I’ve only had the Piper a short time! It’s killed me in 30% of the flights I’ve tried… all of those are trying to get the autopilot to work. Manual flying is incredible in it.
The Arrow will also get a turbo version soon (with a steep discount if you buy the normal).
Anyone else having an issue with the Carenado Mooney causing the sim to crash to desktop when loading a flight? I bought the aircraft a few days ago and haven’t been able to try it. I’ve even uninstalled and reinstalled and no luck.
Military aircraft only
IndiaFoxtEcho MB-339:
Best choice to start flying around with military jets. Good feeling in flight, good visibility from the cockpit and it looks gorgeous. -
IndiaFoxtEcho T-45C:
Perfect bird (the external sound will be corrected…–> ok since the latest update 1.15), a little bit harder to fly than the MB-339 but offers you flying from backseat carrier landing capabilities. -
Really well done, very immersive (gives me the impression that I can “smell” the cockpit…). Capability to drop bombs. -
BREDOK3D Eurofighter:
Well, I dont know why I bought this… -
FlyingIron Spitfire:
For the pleasure and challenge to fly an WWII-Bird, amazing sound, reasonably hard to fly (takeoff and landings need a bit practice!!)
Oh yes I love the Bush League Legends XCUB Performance+ !
One of my favorite planes. Especially fun for flying around mountainous areas like the Alps or Pyrénées, or in Africa. If I could buy a real airplane, I think it would be in my shortlist.
I could also mention the modded G36 Bonanza Turbo V3 by Robert Young, but I don’t fly it very often, as the Mooney is a similar, but better plane than the Bonanza in almost every respect. But for those who don’t own the Mooney, this can be a great addition.
And of course the TBM with improved G3000. Who doesn’t like this plane ?
Also, I am surprised noone has mentionned the latest Aerosoft CRJ 550/700 yet. According to its owners, it’s the most detailed and realistic airliner in MSFS yet.
The latest release of the JustFlight rrow III should correct all the issues you found.
I won’t go into great detail right now, but here’s the list of what I’ve bought so far:
Carenado M20R Ovation
Carenado Cessna CT182T Skylane
Carenado Piper PA-44 Seminole
BT Studio Kitfox STi
IndiaFoxtrotEcho MB-339A/MB339PAN
Carenado WYMF5
DC Designs F-15 Eagle
Carenado Piper PA-28R Arrow III
FlyingIron Simulations Spitfire L.F Mk IXc
Just Flight Piper PA-28R Arrow III
Aerosoft Aircraft CRJ 550/700
I still mostly fly the WT CJ4 and the Longitude. I really want more business jets.
Please give a feedback on them. That’s the purpose of this thread, not just listing what you have.
The goal is to help future buyers choose with more information.
No, the Mooney is very stable. Never crashed for me. It might a mod doing that.
I know it’s an old post but let me contribute. So far, the only one I own and recommend is JF PA28. It is the only addon that does not make me regret xplane (no polemic intended) for the simulation part. I have the mb 339, which is not great in terms of sim (IFE say this themselves) but that I would recommend as it’s fun in the end. I also own the p44 from carenado. Today, I would not recommend it unless you are desperate for a twin. It’s one of the best planes out there for msfs but, I think, it is still far from the quality I want.
I just took the Beech 99 from VirtualCol FS Software for a spin. YIKES this thing is bad! Payload menu doesn’t accurately reflect the aircraft’s seating configuration, no aircraft info on the loading screen, interior textures are flat and computer-looking (not to mention blurry in a lot of places), sound is garbage, cockpit tooltips are riddled with errors. A lot of this stuff I could forgive in a freeware plane for FS9 or even FSX, but as a payware product for FS2020, it’s just unacceptable.
Of all these, perhaps the most sinful is the sound. There’s no prop rumble in the interior, so all you hear is a high-pitched turbine whine that at first I thought was some kind of warning system yelling at me. The exterior sounds are far from seamless, and they also go in and out of phase when you move the camera around the airplane, creating a whooshy, swirly, underwater kind of sound like you get with a lot of multi-engine aircraft in FSX.
so far i only have a few but they tend to be better quality , i got the mb339 from dino cattaneo for the reason anyone who followed his tomcats in fsx will recognize a dev who although only a one man operation as far as i know will support his projects and if he got bits wrong they would be corrected and the mb339 is a good little example of a simple jet to learn
i have a couple of carenados … the seminole and the waco and they work ok … just not very much glowing to say about them … theyre just meh when the competition is like wow
next up was the grumman goose from ozwookiee … mad name even for an aussie but that simple little plane is good clean vintage fun and just perfect for lake tripping up alaska and again a dev who supports products so i cant wait to see the p40 from big radials when that comes out as im sure that will be a nice little counter to the hordes of marauding spitfires roaming all over the servers (yes im guilty of that too of buzzing GA’s around any uk airport )
and of course i have the flying iron spitfire and it is excellent , handling wise it is capable of spins and easily recovered , the only thing i have done is adjusted the engine power via its engines.cfg so it is now as a mark 9 spit and capable of 409mph at 25,000 ft as it was a little slow to start with , although altering the engine output has resulted in more work to do on takeoff as the swing left is stronger now obviously but thats no different to a pilot going from a mk2 spit to a mk9 it will swing more with nearly twice the output
one other thing … the sound !!! … whack it through a 5.1 channel home cinema system and subwoofer and it growls , its taken me a long time to get sound right in this sim but now it is all working together it is something else
the other thing i am doing is making the authentikit spit control system and awaiting my printer delivering to make a start on that system , i fly exclusively in VR so why not bite the bullet and make something a bit weird and mad to hang off the desk but it will also aid the immersion even more
Just did a couple of short hops in Aerosoft’s CRJs, and they are VERY detailed. I’m impressed.
The flight attendant announcing when I’ve aborted the landing is a nice touch. I’ll have to work on my throttle management on approach so I don’t activate it inadvertently though.