I ended up buying every aircraft that’s available in the Marketplace.
I think my favorite experience so far is the Bleriot XI package from Wings42. It’s fun and terrifying, all at the same time, and it really makes you appreciate how much we owe the pioneers. I wrote a review for it here: Bleirot XI: Initial Thoughts.
But even if you don’t like the aircraft themselves (plural, as there are three differerent variants), in the documentation you get a 40-page book in PDF format that by itself is worth the purchase price, in my opinion. The only weird thing is that the fuel/payload menu allows you to change the engine weight. You’d think this would be incorporated in the aircraft’s empty weight, but no…
Honorable mention goes to Carenado’s Piper Seminole. Everything about it reminds me of my dad’s old 1966 Ford Mustang. If you’ve ever gotten an opportunity to get familiar with an old car like that, this is basically the airplane equivalent in my opinion. Just a not-much-to-it-but-still-powerful-and-fun kind of feeling, ya know?
I also love their offerings on the Mooney, CT182T, and Arrow, but this is special to me. I have the Waco but haven’t flown it much. It’s not a bad little plane, from what little I’ve seen, it’s just still on my to-do list.
DC Designs’ F-15 is kinda fun. Don’t try to fly it with a keyboard though, the controls are pretty unresponsive that way, this aircraft is what convinced me to break down and order an Xbox controller.
I’ve seen a bunch of people complain about the Eurofighter but honestly I don’t know what’s supposedly wrong with it. Haven’t flown it much, but maybe I should, just to see what all the fuss is about. Ditto for the Kitfox.
IndiaFoxtrotEcho MB-339 is cool, I’m glad I have it. Hopefully practicing with this will help me get a handle on the raw power of the fighter jets. Long EZ is nice. Long-legged, high flyer, as it should be. Not much to it, very simple. I like to leave the copilot to fly it if I’ve got a long cruise ahead, and come back around sunset to watch the stars come out. Just got the Goshawk. Not sure what to make of it yet, but no glaring issues from what I can see.
I love the Jabiru family. I haven’t tried the bushtrips but I appreciate all the customization options that come with the in-cockpit tablet.
The Aerolite 103 is one I haven’t flown much of. Haven’t even logged a landing in it yet, but plenty of circling around a few local airstrips. I tend to overstress it.
Bird Dog is great IMO. No complaints here.
Simworks Studios Zenith CH701: Genuinely amazed at the short-field performance in this thing. I’ve never even heard of this manufacturer/model so I can’t attest to the quality of the simulation, but I’ve had a good time in it, especially cruising over the Rockies where the peaks sometimes exceed the maximum certified operating altitude.