What are we expecting in todays marketplace?

It’s the Blog update in Community → News and Announcements

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Looks like Weather Preset Pro is the winner for this week…and I guess I’ll download the support trucks upgrade.

Maybe the birds package too…

Nah the winner is Antarctica finally being in marketplace and on xbox too

The weather preset is cool I just bought it.


Whats it like

Do you guys only buy from the marketplace? Or just prefer to buy from it?

I’m curious as not all add-ons can be listed in the marketplace.

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I xan only buy from there as I’m on xbox


It’s simple:
Xbox = ingame store only
Crossbuy PC (Windows Store version) + Xbox = ingame store only

And if in futur FS will be able in XCloud, it will also be ingame store only

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I’m not sure what you mean.

You can use add-ons purchased from any of the 3rd party shops with the Windows Store version of Flight Sim.

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Yes you can use it on PC, but it’s not crossbuy: if you purchase on a 3rd party shop on PC, you must repurchase it for use on Xbox (if available on Xbox naturally).


  • Drzewiecki Moscow → if you purchase it on simmarket / Orbxcentral, you won’t be able to use it on Xbox. If you buy it on ingame store you will be able to use it on PC and Xbox.
  • Orbx EA-7 Optica → if you purchase it on Orbxcentral, you won’t be able to use it on Xbox. If you buy it on ingame store you will be able to use it on PC and Xbox.
  • Orbx London → if you purchase it on Orbxcentral, you won’t be able to use it on Xbox. If you buy it on ingame store you will be able to use it on PC and Xbox.
  • Simworks Okavango delta → if you purchase it on simmarket / Orbxcentral, you won’t be able to use it on Xbox. If you buy it on ingame store you will be able to use it on PC and Xbox.
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Ah makes sense now!

So the marketplace is good for products that work on both PC and XBox (scenery, missions, etc), but obviously excludes add-ons that do more complex things.


5 hours to go. I can stop posting about it and rest easy with the F16 on xbox. Fingers crossed for those dang European liveries too :joy:.

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:joy::joy: not holding my breath

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Update is live….another disappointing week of Night Enhanced addons. Where are the JF Arrows for Xbox and simple Traffic from Aerosoft?


Yep. Starfighter doesnt even come to Xbox.

Again no liveries shocking ms

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Every week the same nonsense. :confused:


It seems most dlc will just cause CTD hence no updates or new products until the next sim update.

I have no expectations from marketplace until then at the very earliest.

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I think it is a strange strategy from MSFS not to release add-ons that are on popular demand first to keep us satisfied for a while. Personally, european liveries or simple traffic would be enough to keep me going without complaint for months to come!:innocent:


I want simple traffic. That would be awesome!