Screenshot by ScenicAtol37419 (Forum)
World Update 7: Australia is set to release this coming Monday, January 31st, at 1pm PT (2100Z). We will post more details about the World Update upon release.
Yesterday we had our first Dev Q&A of the year! Don’t miss out on the announcement of World Update 8, a chat with Ellise from Orbx, an introduction to Fernando from Carenado, and a fantastic presentation from Sebastian Wloch on our progress towards helicopters. You can now re-watch the Q&A on Youtube:
Click here for the web-friendly version.
Click here for the web-friendly version. To learn more about Accessibility in Microsoft Flight Simulator, click here.
There is no update to the Feedback Snapshot this week. Stay tuned for updates in the coming weeks.
We’re looking forward to the Live SDK Q&A on February the 9th! Please ask us all your questions here: SDK Q&A (Feb. 9th): POST-Discussion, and we will be more than happy to bring you answers live with Alyzée, Eric & Jorg !
- We started a revamp of the Aircraft Editor, alongside the creation of the How to make an Aircraft tutorial.
- Work is continuing on the weather API for WASM (exposing same bitmaps that are available in JavaScript).
- We fixed Marketplace Data validation upon building a package.
Scenery Editor:
- The “Ungroup” button is no longer available for airports.
- We removed the Enter key shortcut to rename a window.
- We fixed a freeze when duplicating a large group of sceneries.
- We fixed a crash with projected meshes.
Visual Effects Editor:
- We fixed an issue with live update when editing visual effect blocks.
As of 01/23, we have now approved 228 (+0) third parties into the in-sim marketplace and – so far 133 (+0) have released 866 products on PC (+8) and 561 on Xbox (+7).
In total, 1,737 products (+13) have already been released in 3rd party stores and the in-sim marketplace. Beyond that, another 457 products (+7) from 3rd party developers are in production (284 announced, 173 unannounced). In total, over 2,192 3rd party products (+18) are either released or are in development.
1290 airports (+5) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 1070 airports (+1) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 613 airports (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 112 airports (+5) beyond the released airports have been announced.
- 108 airports (-1) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an airport is in production.
281 aircraft (+6) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 103 aircraft (+5) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 68 aircraft (+4) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 154 aircraft (+2) beyond the released aircraft have been announced.
- 24 aircraft (-1) are not announced, but the dev let us know that an aircraft is in production.
545 sceneries (+5) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 490 sceneries (+5) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 102 sceneries (+3) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 16 sceneries (-1) beyond the released scenery have been announced.
- 39 sceneries (+1) are not announced, but the dev let us know that scenery is in production.
Mission Packs:
76 mission packs (+2) are either released or are in various stages of development.
- 74 mission packs (+2) have been released on the platform so far in various stores.
- 8 mission packs (+0) have been released in the in-sim marketplace.
- 0 mission packs (+0) beyond the released missions have been announced.
- 2 mission packs (New) are not announced, but the dev let us know that they are in production.
There are 29 new and 50 updated products in the Marketplace today.
We stream weekly on! Get your fireworks and lucky red envelopes ready, because February 1 is the Lunar New Year! In recognition of the upcoming Year of the Tiger, we will be flying in China this week with a beautiful flight ending in Shanghai, home to one of the most spectacular skylines in the world. To all our players who celebrate the Lunar New Year, the team at Microsoft Flight Simulator wishes you happiness and prosperity in the upcoming year!
All are welcome to fly along. Click here for details!
Next week, we will also continue with our Flying Lessons in the C172 on Wednesday, February 2nd at 2pm PT. Our lesson will be on IMC (Instrument Meteorological Conditions). Details here!
We’re very excited for the upcoming release of World Update 7: Australia in just a few days time! If you can’t wait to see more of this beautiful country, YouTuber Ausflight 360 has recently created a short video flying around Lord Howe Island, a remote location 600 km off Australia’s eastern coast in the Tasman Sea. Check it out!
You can now submit your screenshot via Twitter with #MSFSchallenge or the Weekly Forum Post! This week’s screenshot challenge: Lunar New Year
This past week our Screenshot Challenge was “Aircraft Engines”. Here are our runner ups this week:
Screenshot by Punkoflyer (Forum)
Screenshot by A___LIVAS (Twitter)
Screenshot by danimalpm (Forum)
Screenshot by Elevatorisbest (Forum)
Screenshot by Flyboy315622 (Forum)
Screenshot by FogoWar (Forum)
Screenshot by Mully4K (Forum)
Screenshot by pommes_l (Twitter)
Screenshot by youwerelucky (Forum)
Screenshot by illu_kamaz (Twitter)
Microsoft Flight Simulator Team