What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

Bought the GeeBee racers in the store… I like old tail draggers (I’m one)

Funny little airplane, GeeBee model Z. I could take off the model Z on the first go, but way off the runway ! nearly crashed it into a building !

I did not succeed to get the other GeeBee R2 take off… yet…

Once up, the ModelZ feels steady and very fast… a bit like Spitfire, but in the air it is easier to control. Watch out for stress, it wants to go fast. In the yellow airspeeds, it starts to shake… Keep throttle moderate, also when going to the edge with speed… else it will black screen on overstress.

Landings not yet sofar, see below my best attempt… but it stalled a few seconds from the screenshot,