What did you do in MSFS today? (Part 1)

High above Monaco


getting briefly mixed up when switching between helos and fixed wings is not as bad for me, but it happens. Now, as for driving a car. I never did in Japan or on my UK visit. You’ll get the hang of it, but the issue is here to stay… I don’t even want to switch back to yoke flying until I can afford to get the new controllers (still haven’t decided which works better). Gonna have to decide when the DC-3 comes out.

Went on with my continious tour with the L39 Albatros, flying from Camelford Davidstow Moor (EGJV) to Cork (EICK)

Leaving Camelford I climbed as fast as I could to FL185, as there is nothing really to see flying over water. No shots from up there, nothing to see.

Lining up complete, waiting to catch the glidepath.

Cozy airport, easy to approach.


Departing from Glentanner, I flew over Lake Wanaka

and that’s the spectacular approach to land at Milford Sound


I got tired of flying NeoFly missions around North America, so I’m trying to get my TBM930 to Europe. I found a mission that gets me to Iceland at the max range of the aircraft, and thankfully the 80 KT tail wind will let me have a little fuel in reserve if I can’t spot the airport the first time around!


My first MP flight - I joined the Namibia Official Fly-In Today.


F-35C over Long Island Sound - departed KOQU, headed for JFB Maguire.


Check flight - stock TBM, G3000 0.7.8.


Miami-Exec to Cat Cay - beware, that strip is very very short. :smile:


A plethora of TCAS proximity warnings. :smile:


Playing more with the G1000 NXi, realized I can set the course angle for a direct-to straight from the setup menu for it; nice to set up for the right pattern or approach entry angle.

Here I’m setting up to be roughly in line with KSNA runway 20L, which I expected to get a straight-in approach assignment for (and did):


Did the Mach Loop…… In a glider!

Got friends Discus is a lot of fun!

All in VR so no screenshots but was nice to take a look at the scenery at a somewhat slower pace compared to zipping through the valleys with the Hawk.


Woke up at 4:30am, finished the typerating test about the Airbus hydraulics with 9 answers wrong out of 45. And currently I am thinking of how to program these 4 phases menu pages of the Fenix Airbus MCDU and where to find a YouTube tutorial video about doing so.


I chose India as the place to fly, and in looking for VFR maps of that area, found these cool aeronautical charts on India’s government site. This provided a unique experience, glancing at one of those as I cruised along rivers/followed train tracks.


That last screen? I knew that looked familiar. Hello fellow Xbox’er/MSFS Pilot’s Club Member. :grin:

To be honest, waste my time trying to recover bush adventures where I landed in the wrong place, stressed the aircraft or crashed. Starting at a previous leg does not reset things. You are still at the wrong airport or an unrecoverable pilot ■■■■■. I am finding that MSFS 2020 is great for short sightseeing trips, but there is a problem with long trips(exception breakpoint errors. I fly with a joystick in my left hand, a marble mouse in my right hand and a keyboard in between for the too few places that I can actually change values(holding a mouse button to select a knob while rotating the mouse wheel is not even close to the actual tactile feel in the cockpit so augment parameter settings with the keyboard!). FSX did have great online references for using manual controls, the autopilot and the GPS. What does exist for MSFS 2020 lacks detail and almost comes across as a developer giving the executive summary to his boss. This platform is still very buggy after almost two years. I waited to take the plunge hoping that the bugs would be worked out. I do not like being a beta tester without compensation.

Bought the GeeBee racers in the store… I like old tail draggers (I’m one)

Funny little airplane, GeeBee model Z. I could take off the model Z on the first go, but way off the runway ! nearly crashed it into a building !

I did not succeed to get the other GeeBee R2 take off… yet…

Once up, the ModelZ feels steady and very fast… a bit like Spitfire, but in the air it is easier to control. Watch out for stress, it wants to go fast. In the yellow airspeeds, it starts to shake… Keep throttle moderate, also when going to the edge with speed… else it will black screen on overstress.

Landings not yet sofar, see below my best attempt… but it stalled a few seconds from the screenshot,


which website/book/program do you use=

Good effort…hope to see more !

The small (or not so small at all!) detail that MSFS has to offer.

Absolute beauty!

I landed on the Machmell Fisheries airstrip (CBY2) and I wasn’t expecting anything, just thought to taxi around the corner behind the trees, and this is what I found…