As flying over water isn’t really a sight to behold, not for long at least, I decided to fly from Scotland to Iceland at night… Therefore Stornoway (EGPO) to Reykjavik (BIRK)
I set MFS to IFR low altitude airways, but at one point I was told to ascend to FL360… Unless you fly an SR71 or a spaceship, how is FL360 low altitude? In the end I managed to settle on FL250.
The arrival was a bit of a struggle, I guess I forgot some communication with the ATC, it’s funny how sometimes AI does it, yet sometimes it does not, so I had to declare a missed approach, went all over again, used ATC buttons to communicate, then as I was turning from one approach waypoint to another, quite perfectly on track, AI decided to declare a missed approach
From then I cancelled IFR, asked for a VFR landing, got landing clearance immediately, and touched down without further issues