Crack of dawn flight from Brown Airport (KSDM) to Borrego Springs (L08) via the Palomar Observatory
Connaught (EIKN) to Londonderry Eglinton (EGAE) in the L39 Albatros
It was unexpectedly clear in live weather and I’m suspecting it’s not real…
This was an interesting landing, according to the ILS I’m to the left of the glidepath, but according to my eyes, I’m not
I did a couple of island hops in a cub today, Was pretty fun
The 737 has crashed two times while entering the waypoints into the FMC. Since updating the actual AIRAC nav data (12th August till 10th September ) everything has become a little bit unstable it seems… because no 737 variant has ever crashed before in all these months.
Now it´s time to try a third time to make that PMDG tutorial flight
Continued my career as a pilot for a fantasy Greek airline where I ship tourists from island to island in an old DC-6.
This time the route was Corfu - Skiathos.
This route takes you over the mountainous central Greece.
The low sun reflecting on the instruments is one of the most beautiful things.
Two white, two red.
Continuing to log flights with Aviatife in my Seneca.
Two flights tonight covering some cargo runs and a little cloud surfing and weather avoidance on one of the legs.
As the map of jobs so far shows, my company is definitely living up to its name of Great Lakes Air
Overflew the area north of Ontario, Oregon (KONO) where I watched the 2017 solar eclipse from. Interesting that the windmill shadows of the windmills up on the hills above Lime are there but the windmills aren’t.
Bought the Carenado PC-12! Been waiting for this one. It can stand to use just a smidge more work, otherwise it’s pretty great.
Short flight in Alaska, from Cordova to Yakutat.
Fly with Pride met rainbow
Grey, rainy (and windy) Yakutat
I don’t think I’ve encountered a more “peachy”-looking sky than then one I did today, as I arrived into a busy Edinburgh.
With one creator updating his Nagoya scenery, another creator updating H145 liveries and helipads, and trying to figure out which scenery works well together, and, of course, figuring out the H145 action pack. I tooled around NE of Nagoya. RJGG - RJAF
A fun 67 minute flight from Key West (KEYW) to Pensacola (KPNS) in the Longitude. Flew at FL360 and (attempted) to shoot the ILS 17 approach via BRENT transition. ATC stopped playing nice, I ended up coming in too high, never intercepted the localized, lost photogrammetry, lost Azure voices, and never got cleared to land, and when I did, floated and ended up really planting it. Other than that, a perfect flight. LOL. Thankfully conditions were visual and we landed safely, if hard. Also first flight using Little Navmap. I thought it hadn’t shown our track once we were done, but I was staring right at it and just missed it. Welcome to Pensacola!
As flying over water isn’t really a sight to behold, not for long at least, I decided to fly from Scotland to Iceland at night… Therefore Stornoway (EGPO) to Reykjavik (BIRK)
I set MFS to IFR low altitude airways, but at one point I was told to ascend to FL360… Unless you fly an SR71 or a spaceship, how is FL360 low altitude? In the end I managed to settle on FL250.
The arrival was a bit of a struggle, I guess I forgot some communication with the ATC, it’s funny how sometimes AI does it, yet sometimes it does not, so I had to declare a missed approach, went all over again, used ATC buttons to communicate, then as I was turning from one approach waypoint to another, quite perfectly on track, AI decided to declare a missed approach
From then I cancelled IFR, asked for a VFR landing, got landing clearance immediately, and touched down without further issues
Enjoying the pc12 today such a great aircraft flying around my usual test airport beaver island Michigan